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Below you will see ALL of the Critiques that Kelly J Pionek has given on The Poetic Link.
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Displaying Critiques 1 to 2 out of 2 Total Critiques.

Poem TitlePoet NameCritique Given by Kelly J PionekCritique Date
Smoke DancersTerrye GodownI can visualize the people smoking in the lounge very well. "Captive in their chamber" "Forming auras around the weak" Of course, I would probably be one of those people, being a smoker myself. It makes you think twice about how non smokers view the smoking world. I also noticed the specific word choices to portray death through the poem. (Mourning, Eulogy) 2005-11-15 11:09:18
SECRETS IN THE WELLarvin r. rederI like the flow of this poem. I enjoy that the first and last lines of each paragraph rhyme, along with the two pairs of ryhmes inside the paragraph. The first line should read "its" in place of "it's" because you are trying to show possession and not the contraction for it is.2005-11-14 17:55:47
Poem TitlePoet NameCritique Given by Kelly J PionekCritique Date

Displaying Critiques 1 to 2 out of 2 Total Critiques.

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