You have just opened a
separate browser window to learn
How to Store your Pictures on the Internet
Do NOT close your other
Personal Information window...
you will need that one in a few moments.
Print these Directions NOW if you can will help keep things easier.
You will need to switch between your different windows by holding down the ALT Key and pressing the TAB key, or by selecting the desired window from the Toolbar at the bottom of your Windows 95/98 screen.
READ THIS PARAGRAPH ENTIRELY before you click on anything! You will need to Sign Up for a FREE Internet Storage Account. I suggest you do the signup in a 3rd NEW Browser Window so that you can still have access to these directions and your Poetic Link Personal Profile Window (the place you just left) all at the same time. You will need all 3 windows to do this easily. Click Here to open the 3rd New window now and sign up for your FREE Internet Storage Account. Return to these directions when you see "Your new PhotoPoint account has been created!" ... do NOT close that 3rd window... just switch back here for more directions.
Once you have signed up, you will receive an e-mail with your new password to your account. Once you get the e-mail you can enter your account by clicking the "HOME: new account" link at the top. Log into your account then click on the Easy Upload option at the top center.
Upload your GIF or JPG files to your PhotoPoint account. Use one of the "Browse" buttons to locate your pictures on your computer.
Return to your Album List when you're done uploading your picture.
Click on your "Incoming" folder.
You should now see a small picture of yourself. Left Click this small picture and you will be taken to the Larger version of this picture. NOTE: The next step Must be done with the Larger picture. It will NOT work if you try to do it with the first picture. Your image will NOT show up in your profile.
Now Right Click (DO NOT LEFT CLICK) this larger picture and select "Copy Shortcut" or "Copy Link Location" from the dropdown menu options. Nothing on your screen will change.
Now switch back to window #1 - "Your Poetic Link Personal Profile" window. Use Alt-TAB if you like since this window is already opened.
Once you're back in your Personal Profile window, just go to the Picture URL line and right click the entry box then select "Paste."
Once you're done adding the correct Picture URL link to your profile, click on the "Confirm this User Information" button and check to see that your picture is working properly.
Close this window #2 (directions) and window #3 (your storage space).