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Substance of Love Anticipating His Presence, I seek a still place to wait where in abandonment my flesh trembles. Hands on Time's clock dissolve, as coils of my resolve, wound tight by the fingers of restless turmoil, slowly unwind releasing stress. I carelessly fling open windows of my musty soul to breathe a brief scent of heaven's vibrant flowers. Eyelids shut to earthen colors release a second sight to transcend the corridors of another realm, searching for a familiar Whisper... My spirit wanders until it hears a sound of Peace, interjecting Truth to cleanse moldy fears, sweeping away all dust of this day's discouragement. His thoughts gently intersperse recesses of each chamber of my mind, where His personality merges in quietness in my spirit, creating unique 'oneness.' Joyfully, I listen to His Word, hearing the lyrics of Music of Wisdom, desiring to share the sound of solace...praying... until ink turns into crystal words, flowing onto the page as tender tears, releasing my melody to His perfect lyrics, singing the completeness of His Mercy, reflecting love's most precious 'Diamond,' Jesus Christ. The words on this page come from sweet fellowship, a blended ink of our hearts. I carry within my life His DNA...not in features of my flesh, but running through deepest veins of my spirit. No microscope can trace its origin nor see His Substance, yet in my soul is found the Substance of His Love. |
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