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Lake Music The sound of voices soars across the lake upraised in praise and gratitude to God. Within the heart of woods their simple home resounds with music, love and harmony. The voices blend together, weave a spell of joy of family oneness as they sing their song. Upon the water, loon cries out her song in company with those besides the lake, A haunting wail, it has no sound of joy nor is it filled with praise to God and yet there is such natural harmony within these sounds at home it seems as if God too has found this home. There is a holiness within the song of nature, a harmony of life and death around the lake that's in the ordering of God. A balance of both sadness and great joy. The voices raised in hymns of joy as though to sing some spirit home and hope to share the love of God with every part of nature's song. The quiet surface of the lake reflected moonlight back in harmony with that luminous orb. The harmony of movement and light and sound was joy to me. The wind picked up on the lake waves rocking the loon's island home and a note of panic trembled in her song as she cried for help from nature's God. There was no cease of wind as God played a wind, rain and thunder harmony. Storm's loud, wet, electrifying song in wild, ecstatic windblown joy trees moaning, swaying, bowing 'round my home resting near that northern lake. Lake stilled at last, God brings my home back to harmony. Filled with joy, I hear again loon’s song. |
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