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Prime Three colours combine Tangent, perpendicular, cosine Changing with clock hands Flocking strands- reds, greens, blues three timeless, primary hues Adding colors advances time reflective colors remember the grapes that add to make the wine The pressing comes November Yesterday I am a mirror that I shed a tear for today I am tree and tomorrow I am free Past Cyan is the sky we pray Magenta reflects blood only were it stays Yellow, the color of my previous life- of cowardice and emotional strife. Black, all right, must be there Past reflection- mirror falling through air To show the lines of pain and sorrow But dank puddles never show tomorrow I wash my idle hands of the devil's cast Yesterday is because it doesn't last I shed a tear for the yesterday that I mirror today I am tree and tomorrow I am free Present today is sun, yesterday- moon Today is seed, tomorrow- bloom adding colors numbered three red, green, blue R G B Yesterday I was mirror that I shed so many tears for today I am tree and tomorrow I am free Future A little sun a lot of time wheels upon wheels and far sight add one on one Leaving white Three colors prime in grand design Now I am the mirror that I shed the tears for we are tall, we are tree ever we are free |
Additional Notes:
This song was written originally as a song lyric, with the repeating refrains. I modified this before posting here, and I am still a little...unsure of it as it is now- so any critique will be appreciated.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Robin Ann Crandell On Date: 2004-02-07 13:41:35
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.36364
I could really see this poem as a song. But aren't all poem song to those who write them? This
poem flowed very well with this reader. Very enjoying and I am thankful that you shared this
with me.