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Blue Lucy On occasion, there is a surly trait in nature And for those in tune with earth, comes A gloomy feeling, one of anxious apprehension. Imperious Nature, we look to you for belief, Relief, proof, and ground ourselves in your Miniscibility. No matter your balm of trees, Calm seas or pre-solstice angst, we are Intricately connected with you, limited And confined by your laws. At the same time, Nature stimulates our imagination while Reminding of our place in the scheme Of creation. What rises then descends is Immutable but we would redact the fact In feckless form. We long to control You but must remember your help at Watershed moments when we try to learn From streaks of gnostic light where our Salvation lies. Striving for convergence Beyond your purview, we also use internal Resources to reach the true Law Giver. With divine guidance during the process, I may heal my abscessed soul. |
Additional Notes:
Blue Lucy means healing of self.
This Poem was Critiqued By: marilyn terwilleger On Date: 2004-09-02 15:46:20
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.90000
Hi Mell,
Today I decided to search my list and 'view all poetry' to find poets that rarely
stay on the top of my list long enough to do a crit....and here you are! Oh how I wish
I could write like this. Your word choices are amazing and this paticular piece is very
thought provoking. I believe you are speaking of the horrific hurricanes that have
battered the east coast of late..and today I hear there is another one on the way....
...'a surly trait in nature...gloomy feeling...anxious apprehension'...'imperious Nature
we look to you for belief, relief, proof'...we actually do the weather sometimes
dictates how we will live our day...if we will venture out or take a trip or have a party...
the list goes on and on....(miniscibility?) (help)..whether it is balmy trees or calm seas,
or pre-solstice angst (stunning) and confined by your laws' I don't know why
I could not think to write about this subject?? But then I couldn't do such an amazing
job!...'we would redact the fact in feckless form'..your word choices just thrill me.
...'watershed, moments when we try to learn from streak of gnostic' another fabulous phrase.
You last two lines..especially the last...'I may heal abscessed soul' When I think of an
abcess (and I have seen many when I worked or a physcian) I think of something putrid,
oozing and just plain awful. Dear Mell that does not describe your soul! From just
speaking with you on the phone and reading your talented and divine work I know you are
a gentle and loving soul...I know that your thought processes are profound as are your
emotions. I also have a feeling that you are not as appreciated as much as you should be
and that makes me sad as you have so much to give. I know for a fact that you are fighting
the battle of a lifetime to overcome a devastating disease and I also know that you will
not give up. Anyway...these are the things I believe to be true which is why the "abcessed
soul" shook me up. Another wonderful offering from your pen!