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Sail the wind has always been blowing ever on it blows, it flows, from low to high upon and those who sail and those who drift a-sea those who will, know how much it can lift but the free a sailor, keel proud can see in his vision the wind's caprice shroud a force that awaits his precision tawny sailor, skin browned now water at his feet, he's made his decision dawning sailor, head crowned a mist he would meet steady on ever northern, compass bound stern as his fleet steady on ready on the rudder into morning's Avalon steady on he sweeps buoyed by the Mother the wind has always been blowing ever on it blows, it flows, from low to high upon |
Additional Notes:
I am on a 'wind' kick right now. I have a lot of breezes blowing through me now.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Dellena Rovito On Date: 2004-11-28 17:40:20
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.80000
Hi Regis,
This one blew to me. I feel like I've sailed off on a day trip.
The wind is our fate.
The boat the person..
I like the refrain;
the wind has always been
blowing ever on
it blows, it flows, from low
to high upon
This is so. From low to high upon.
Tis better to be the master/captain of your ship and make decisions as to
your voyage and destination.
Than to be adrift at sea.
Good thoughtful poem. You blew me away...
I'm blown outta here.