This Poem was Submitted By: Regis L Chapman On Date: 2005-03-08 15:41:59 . . . Click Here To Mail this Poem to a Friend!To Listen to Music While Reading this Poem, just Click Here!
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That Time it's just time...
My Time
letting go, this is the time
to stop struggling
events are lining up again
coincidence an old friend
long ignored for what it is
a guide that has caught me up
here we go again
the chance has arrived
lessons I caused
we stand looking at each other
everything is a mirror
lessons becaused and be damned if I
haven't been running from my self for so long
pride has caught me up
I have schooled myself with an endurance
of avoidance and lies
a deception that was once far stronger
a preponderous endurance of lessons
will serve a different purpose now...
Our Time
"The Five Colors Blind The Eye
The Five Tones Deafen The Ear
The Five Tastes Dull The Tongue"
I set aside my skin, my tongue, my ears, my eyes
the reflections aren't in charge any longer
serve the servant a tin plate of justice
youmewe, just it- so be
the lines are growing in size as I type
and the needs I have shrink
to less
stop fighting
skins are falling off at last
chips on my shoulder
what a brain, I think
leave it lay in the corner of a room
remember the lessons, then
catch up with your pride
close the door
none the less
and the I.... so long sought, when
across these lives
has arrived
So, to Be a God,
it's odd
but nice
it's just time...
Remember That Time?
Copyright © March 2005 Regis L Chapman
Additional Notes:
This is about my feeling of things coming together for me in my practice. I have now lived at the temple for 4 months, and certain things I have been doing I have tired of them- and they weren't part of my practice anyway. They are falling away from me suddenly and easily and I am the lighter for it. Dearest Reader, I hope you remember the time with me. :-)
This Poem was Critiqued By: Elaine Marie Phalen On Date: 2005-04-02 18:53:27
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Regis, I can't properly critique this so I won't. I'll just say that it's an intriguing journey through the porocess of enhanced self-awareness and greater understanding. This is an interior monologue and as such, the speaker's mind is laid bare. Minds are none too tidy at the best of times, so we see this one in action, moving from idea to association, to another idea. Some of the thoughts trail off unfinished and others crowd at their heels. Lines vary in length from a single word to an entire statement. They suggest moments and hours or even days. The passage of the months brings with iut a chain of exepriences that may not happen smoothly, but in stages, by fits and starts, some expected and others not.
"The Five Colors Blind The Eye
The Five Tones Deafen The Ear
The Five Tastes Dull The Tongue"
Too much sensory stimulation does interfere with the tranquility of the individual being. If one is to look inward, none of the outer trappings is important. And if we lack a mind to interpret the vividness of color, the resonance of sound, the celebration of taste ... then we would not have such senses at all. The mind-spirit is the seat of all we know and can imagine. Mind is spirit's access point to the flesh, I think.
I set aside my skin, my tongue, my ears, my eyes
the reflections aren't in charge any longer
serve the servant a tin plate of justice
youmewe, just it- so be
the lines are growing in size as I type
and the needs I have shrink
This is a poem in itself. It so clearly depicts the seeker's progress as he frees himself from materlal concerns. That "tin plate" is humble and unadorned, as true justice must also be. Meanwhile, the expanding lines signify an enlarged vision, while the bodily demands grow less. So we age and acquire wisdom, concurrently.
As I read this, the news is focused on the passing of Pope John Paul, whom I admired. I suspect he would have appreciated the sentiments expressed in this poem because he was a man who valued truth and simplicity, I believe (I'm not even Catholic, but his commitment to service and his support of freedom and justice have always appealed to me). He must have spent many hours in reflection. He knew how to let go when the time was right to do so ...
So now you, poet and speaker, face your "other self" in the mirror and remind it of things to come. We all possess dual natures but often tend to keep one side of our personality in abeyance. We are blends of light and shadow, hope and desapir, goodness and cruelty, altruism and greed. Somehow, we must reconcile the half in the mirror to the half in front of that glass.
I'm not exactly sure where you are, in terms of the temple mentioned in your notes, but it sounds like a place for discovery and peace. I imagine there is also a challenge, because acceptance can be tough. Letting go (of our habits, possessions and mortal concerns) is also difficult. There is a lifetime, suddenly being shifted onto another path. I think I envy you that opportunity.
Thanks for revealing this ongoing process in such a poem. I'll no doubt read it again (this is my third visit to it). I'd also enjpy knowing more about the program you're following if you are ever of a mind to explain it ... maybe even post a forum thread with some details. This sounds too intensely personal to be fully shared but there may be a few lessons the rest of us could benefit from reading.
My Best,
This Poem was Critiqued By: Troy D Skroch On Date: 2005-03-18 03:22:24
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
This read left me in a state of introspection. I gather from your additional notes that you are changing some of the things about you or your state of mind that you don't care for. It sounds like you are succeeding and I'm happy for your accomplishment. Bravo. I applaud anyone who improves their state of being through meditative reflection and careful decision making. On to your poem.
it's just time...
My Time
Yes, it is Your Time, as it is My Time as I write this, or shall we say, it is Our Time. From the capitalization of "My Time" I get the feeling that it is your time for something, and from the rest of the poem this means- a time for change.
letting go, this is the time
to stop struggling
I see you trying to "let go", in effect to "stop struggling" against self.
events are lining up again
coincidence an old friend
long ignored for what it is
a guide that has caught me up
here we go again
the chance has arrived
lessons I caused
I like these lines a lot and "coincidence" is no "coincidence", it seems to me you are saying that you have been in this position before. Perhaps, not in the position of change, but in the position of doing things that you are seeking to change: "lessons I caused".
we stand looking at each other
everything is a mirror
lessons becaused and be damned if I
haven't been running from my self for so long
pride has caught me up
I have schooled myself with an endurance
of avoidance and lies
a deception that was once far stronger
a preponderous endurance of lessons
will serve a different purpose now...
Our Time
Yes, this is a condition of your own making and is a repetition of behavior. I derive this from "everything is a mirror again"...."running from self"....."schooled myself with an endurance of avoidance and lies"
I like this line a lot, "a perponderous endurance of lessons will serve a different purpose now...Our Time". I see in this you using the energy of the past to join self with that past creating the "Our Time". That is very powerful.
"The Five Colors Blind The Eye
The Five Tones Deafen The Ear
The Five Tastes Dull The Tongue"
So true! So true!
I set aside my skin, my tongue, my ears, my eyes
the reflections aren't in charge any longer------------great description of becoming unencumbered!
serve the servant a tin plate of justice
youmewe, just it- so be
the lines are growing in size as I type
and the needs I have shrink----------------------------realizing that what we need is not that great
to less
stop fighting
skins are falling off at last
chips on my shoulder
what a brain, I think
leave it lay in the corner of a room
remember the lessons, then
catch up with your pride
close the door
none the less
and the I.... so long sought, when
across these lives
has arrived---------------------------------------------Wow! Talk about reinventing self or abolishing it!
These lines are wonderful in how they visually show change.
So, to Be a God,
it's odd
but nice
Awesome resolution to change. To be your own God, how confident is that. To be in that state. "it's odd but nice" LOL That's just great!!
it's just time...
Remember That Time?
A perfect ending for this poem that's not really an ending at all as it is "timeless".
Thank you for your honest writing, what a powerful experience. I will remember Our Time,
This Poem was Critiqued By: arnie s WACHMAN On Date: 2005-03-13 22:09:09
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 8.70000
Oh yeah Reeg. I won't forget...but hey...I didn't know you were still there. Are you going to
be a Monk or what, and I mean that seriously. What is your purpose for being there that long?
It sounds like all your old shit is falling away 'cause you don't need it/them any longer. Are
you giving up all your worldly possessions and habits to? You speak of walls that you've built
up, and now you are letting go of them. Good for takes years of hard work. But, be
good to yourself in the meantime. Peace and out.
This Poem was Critiqued By: marilyn terwilleger On Date: 2005-03-10 11:16:56
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Dear Reeg,
This poem is much so that I have read it several times so I can get inside the lines
and your mind. In your note you mention your practice so I may be at a disadvantage because I am not
sure what your work is. But am thinking it is spiritual....'letting go this is the time to stop struggling'
I do believe we tend to hold on to emotions, traditions, and the past way too long instead of putting
them aside and moving on....'been running from myself for so long pride has caught me up again'...we must
stop long enough to face our selves and accept what is inside and treasure the person we really are. This
can be a daunting task....'I have schooled myself with endurance of avoidance and lies.....will serve a
different purpose now...Our time' I must admit I am a little confused about "Our time"...when you say
our time are you referring to the old you and the new you? Yikes I feel so dumb...please forgive me!
...'stop fighting skins are falling off at last..chips on my shoulder what a brain, I think leave it lay
in the corner of a room..remember the lessons, then catch up with your pride close the door, none the less
and the long sought' These are my favorite lines..if I had to pick one. I think they are the
essence of this piece. To me it says you have been searching for yourself because somewhere along the line
you have lost the I in you. There are many facets to this piece that need further exploration...perhaps it
is more what you did not write that gives a certain mystic to the meaning. Hope I didn't stray too far
off! Well done
This Poem was Critiqued By: Claire H. Currier On Date: 2005-03-10 00:01:47
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Dear Poet........That Time.....Interesting title I must say.......Time.....interesting thought which of course makes one continue on the read....for time stands still for no one........even those at the temple........and feelings and emotions play a most important part of our daily life but perhaps the emotions and feelings felt are different from one soul to the you are is made up of many yet we are all one....interesting.......good structure, word form, filled with many feelings, much letting to hear about the lighter feeling for allowing some of your thoughts to let are a different person, stronger in spirit for it as well......nice to hear from you my friend, please continue to post and we shall continue to read and share in your feelings........and again, thank you for taking the time to post......God Bless, Claire
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