This Poem was Submitted By: Claire H. Currier On Date: 2005-05-25 10:26:48 . . . Click Here To Mail this Poem to a Friend!To Listen to Music While Reading this Poem, just Click Here!
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Gentle Touch The Lord is my Shepherd
I shall not want
He walks with me daily
He holds my hand in His
He is pure love
His touch is soft and gentle
A breeze touching your cheek
Is a kiss from God
As I laid dying
Feeling so frightened and alone
A gentle breeze touched my cheek
I felt the breath of God
He held me in His arms
My fear disappeared
Over took by a soothing calm
I remember thinking and saying outloud
"If this is what it is like to die
Its okay"
Fourteen heart attacks
I heard them tell my children
They did not know how I made it
Open heart surgery, new aortic valve
Triple by pass yet the list goes on
Neuropathies in both legs
COPD,cardio vascular problems
Loss of eyesight daily
Count your blessings
As you talk with God tonight
Thank Him for His kindness
For His love and gentle touch
Never forget my friend
A breeze touching your cheek
Is a kiss from God
Copyright © May 2005 Claire H. Currier
This Poem was Critiqued By: Lora Silvey On Date: 2005-06-06 22:10:57
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.71429
Hi Claire,
As you have probably already gathered I'm not too much on technical aspects but I can tell is something flows or is halted, this piece is smooth, transcends the emotions as experienced with the ultimate conclusion that all we can count on is that which we already have and to revel in the fact that God touchs us all even if we are unaware..many blessings to you.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Nancy Ann Hemsworth On Date: 2005-06-03 19:52:40
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.84615
I just loved the innocence and faith of this write Claire..and your repeative phrase "A gentle breeze touched my cheek
I felt the breath of God" was so powerful, yet quiet and so gentle, just like God's love and touch in our daily lives. You would know my friend what it is like, and this poem is so real Claire. They say we write best about what we know, and that is what makes this poem good. Thanks for sharing this ..take care
This Poem was Critiqued By: Jennifer j Hill On Date: 2005-05-31 21:06:19
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Hi Claire,
This is so nice.
Gentle Touch is right!
He holds our lives in the palm of His hand.
And He knows what He is raising us up for and
oh how He uses our experiences for good, just
as He did here. I am awestruck by His ways!
His compassion is sooooo touching.
I love the phrase you coin here, "A breeze touching your cheek
Is a kiss from God". Nicely done poet!
Thanks for sharing His wonderful ways and how He has worked in your life.
I am soooo glad you are back to sharing your work with us.
This Poem was Critiqued By: DeniMari Z. On Date: 2005-05-26 19:33:32
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 1.00000
Dear Claire,
I love the idea in this piece, and being a firm believer in God and his love, this touched me as deeply inspirational. If only the world could know these words, rely on these beliefs - it's my opinion that we could have a more "gentler" world to live in.
These medical occurences would take a toll on anyone and I truly praise modern technology with it's advancements on treatments that really help people now.
Counting blessings is something I do on a daily basis, I imagine by this time in life I've learned that in doing so, I can afford myself those peaceful moments of thanks amidst the things no one would give thanks for.
I'm glad I stopped to read this one, my best to you as always.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Dellena Rovito On Date: 2005-05-26 15:30:18
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.90000
I've often thought a breeze was a kiss on the cheek.
I'm so glad that God hold you in his hands.
It's so good of you to share that joy with others.
14 heart attacks, oh my. I can't imagine.
Glad he was their for you.
I personally appreciate all my blessings.
glad you're writing.....keep on...
we're all here at tpl for each other.
God bless to you,
Be happy
This Poem was Critiqued By: Thomas H. Smihula On Date: 2005-05-26 07:31:43
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
A very nice rendition on the 23 Psalm. I like how you have given us a picture of the life of one who walks in the shawdow of death yet there should be no fear. Bringing this in a real life view and how the one should accept his kingdom is difficult but it was clear in your piece. Nature does have it part in this and having the breeze touch the cheek is a nice sensation given the reader. Well done Claire. Thanks. Thomas
This Poem was Critiqued By: Duane J Jackson On Date: 2005-05-25 16:57:37
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.85714
Hi Claire,
It is good to see you posting this month and this poem, 'Gentle Touch', is one of inspiration, hope and encouragement to the many who have suffered or are still suffering and in need of divine intervention. Through each line, you have magnified the magnificence of God to those who may not know Him and have reminded those that do, of his presence in their lives.
The opening 'The Lord is my shepherd.....', taken from a verse in the Bible is a strong one as it sets the tone for the piece and amplifies His protective spirit. You have projected a very personal and 'gentle' relationship here between yourself and God, not just as a Creator to His creation but as a friend unto a friend and through it all he has helped you stand tall, remain content through times of strife and suffering and look forward to the future with Hope and anticipation. I loved the line, 'A breeze touching your cheek
Is a kiss from God'.
The poem ends on a very positive note where you encourage your reader to take some time to thank Him for all the wonderful blessings he has bestowed on us and I'm sure if we all counted our blessings we would be amazed to find that He has touched us in ways that we may never have been conscious of.
Thanks for this spiritually deep and encouraging piece about the protector and friend in all of our lives!!
Take Care,
This Poem was Critiqued By: Latorial D. Faison On Date: 2005-05-25 12:36:13
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
This one moved me to tears. It's so easy to complain about little things, but I think that we need to hear and read poems like this every day to remind us of just how good God really is.
I like that you begin the poem like the 23rd psalm. He is our shepherd, and you go on to tell or affirm that psalm by giving us a closer look, a fine testament of your hope, faith and love.
I believe that we are living in serious times, and on a serious note, these kinds of words are what will hold us all together until the day our lives on this earth come to an end.
I find your strength is this poem amazing. I am so glad that God brought you through all of that pain and sickness because now you live to tell the story of HIM, and it's all about HIM. Great poem Claire.
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