This Poem was Submitted By: Latorial D. Faison On Date: 2005-07-22 01:57:32 . . . Click Here To Mail this Poem to a Friend!To Listen to Music While Reading this Poem, just Click Here!
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Orientations Are they
trimmed down
to nothings
of loves and laws,
forgivings and flaws
philosophical extremes
mental notes
and conscious
Copyright © July 2005 Latorial D. Faison
This Poem was Critiqued By: Mell W. Morris On Date: 2005-07-31 09:31:03
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Whoever would think of this for a topic or theme? I just posted one
about why poets write and why they write about certain things.(The
Red Hat).
So my mind has been strolling around your theme for weeks. This one of
yours makes me think and that's one of my chief interests in a poem...
learn something new. I also like your format...a single question but
not a simple one.
You have eight rhyming words and three allits: overrated/orchestrated
and loves/laws and forgivings/flaws. I think I point out these no-brainers
to help me access the poem as I read it. For you as poet know where they
are without my comments.
What makes this piece a bit more difficult for analysis is the varied meanings
of the word "orientations". I think I will select one meaning and try to
answer the question per definition. Okay?
Orientations:...direction of thought, inclination or interest.
confiscated...may be
syndicated...oh! yes. Especially if your column, poetry, et al is put out there.
trimmed down
to nothings
of love and laws,
forgivings and flaws...unlikely as people hold dear their thoughts and inclinations.
philosophical extremes...yes
mental notes...yes
Wow! Latorial, I literally bit off more than I could chew. Wonderful choice on your
part in settling on "Orientations". I find your piece erudite, intriguing, deep,
written by a skilled hand, and as my father used to say, "A hard nut to crack."
I enormously enjoyed seeing your poetry again and on my list today during my
out-of-bed time. When I must lie down again, I will take this with me as there
is nothing so entertaining as lying there, watching the birds, clouds, trees
with a plethora of good poems to read and reread.
Thanks for posting this one which pushes and pulls the reader and I'm so glad
I didn't miss it.
Best wishes always,
Mell Morris
This Poem was Critiqued By: arnie s WACHMAN On Date: 2005-07-24 09:44:40
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.84211
Hmmm. This brings to mind you are writing about the likes of the terrorist bombers, Al Queda and the bunch of cretins. You bring forth some thoughts that I wonder if they ever think about. No, to be
honest, I don't think so. They all can be classified as Personality Disorders. People with that
disorder have no conscious and self serving. The one word I have trouble with here is "overrated" and have to ask, by whom? Good stuff. I leave with this thought - are "freedom fighters" in the same
genre? Well said in such a short poem.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Lora Silvey On Date: 2005-07-23 20:35:35
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.53061
It is simply inspiring how you taken a minimal amount of very well chosen wordsand title, have spoken volumes with them. I do not see how what you have said could possibly be said any clearer and does give us something to ponder. Thank you for this offering, it is definitely “par excellance”. As always you have your finger on the pulse of what is.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Rachel F. Spinoza On Date: 2005-07-22 08:40:00
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.83333
to nothings
of loves and laws,
forgivings and flaws
nothings of loves and laws?
How can "love" and by this I mean of course mutual love
enduring, adult, reciprocal be "nothing?"
and are not "laws" there to protect us all?
and are not "forgivings" really good things?
nicely written poem, Latorial, flowing and nicely alliterative
This Poem was Critiqued By: Claire H. Currier On Date: 2005-07-22 05:42:34
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.74074
Well Poet I might say they are all of the above and perhaps more.........good structure, word flow, images of some I might have gone on in the past due to job opportunities, and yes, they were all over rated and most likely just to cover the laws in some states....hehehe........would much rather hands on certainly do learn much more........still this has brought forth alot of memories, some good, some bad, people I might not ever have thought about again.....thank you for posting and sharing with us.......its always nice to take a walk back in time and then to look forward to the future. God Bless, Claire
I believe some orientations like those associated with college and fraternities can and still are very dangerous.........
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