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Ode To A Younger Me Be pleasant to people on the way up, as you’ll surely meet them on the way back down. Be honest with your feelings, don’t be afraid to cry. Make not a judgement, until a mile has been walked in the others shoes. Be faithful and true. Never question a No. Open doors, stand a round, give up a taxi, remember your Ps and Qs. Buy the "Big Issue", For there by the grace of god go you. Be constructive with compassion. Don’t make promises lightly. Listen with an open mind to others views, but wary of “Ism’s”. Begrudge not a favour as soon as it is given. Be courteous and respectful of every mother you meet. Treat as you would wish to be treated. Make breaks quick and clean. Don’t be sad, let stress just wash you by. Yesterday’s are pleasant, tomorrow’s are full of excitement, but it is in todays that we live and die. Have no regrets on saying goodbye. Keep no secrets. It takes two to fall in love, but only one to climb out. Hurry to your home where “proper love” resides. Tell her you love her, in an old fashioned way. Kiss her once with passion, each and every day. Remember your dreams. Forever and a day, Is for real. |
Additional Notes:
I was talking to my wife about a young friend who has been having relationship difficulties and I got to thinking about all the "advice" I had been given as a younger man.
This is a selection of the ones that had any worth to me!
This Poem was Critiqued By: arnie s WACHMAN On Date: 2005-10-06 12:22:16
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.71111
Well, they're all good...most of which were taught to me by my father. He talked to me mostly in
parables. May I add one more which I adhere to strongly? Well here it is anyway - Never lock the
back door for you may never know who will walk through it that you once shut out and now you may
need that person. go live your philosophy.