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The bad place You can’t even polish a window, now, without it becoming a mighty challenge to Dada or the Metaphysicals. It’s funny, a non-descript pane can plunge your world into the cilice grip of iambs that tighten till, by these succeeding measures, we pass out, your corpus post-figuring Christ, your rigor petrifying through the stanzas. A hyperlink’s ready to trip your burial. Your body was beautiful, pre- the absinthe, beautiful like a child of Santa and the Bunny and funny, until it became what lies beneath. |
This Poem was Critiqued By: Thomas H. Smihula On Date: 2006-02-07 07:08:52
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.60526
This one was really difficult for me yet for some reason I really liked it. Your first stanza in the first two lines brought a picture to this reader as did the fourth. Those three lines would have given me a complete picture. Your second stanza in lines two and three really had this reader focusing again yet although I like the fourth line very much I would have liked to see you mention reading the passage causing the petrifying. The third stanza with Santa, Bunny also caught this eye. The parts that made it difficult for me was Dada or the Metaphysicals, cilice grip of iambs, pre- the absinthe. Just some thoughts. Thanks again for sharing.