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substratus pushing movement I am supporting a stop I am not yet approaching fast in air I am force itself, bent I am underfoot, the top I am not worry rises to care I am all of this, a plus I am now we unknown, dare I do not not a pie in the sky I am changing, it must I am not you and I I am or something that seems I am not here, there and everywhere I am a subtle suchness dreams I am not it IS all, substratus finally I am |
Additional Notes:
I am reading an intensely left-brained book called "Ask The Awakened- The Negative Way"' by Wei Wu Wei (a pen name which means, I not, I am, I am not- funny, eh?) and he examines the negative path to enlightenment. It is a path tread well by those with understanding. I do not count myself yet among them, however, it's interesting that he could use the left brain to force the right brain to consider it's position. He uses a repetitive and yet subtly different each time method of explaining how it works. This is also the path of Jnana yoga. Neti Neti they call it- negation of all unreal things. I alternated the pairs of opposites, except two. I wonder if you can guess why? I am in a tradition called the gurkula system of teaching, and much spiritual teaching is about resolving pairs of opposites. This I can see played out in my daily life and relationships. I am learning to thread my way through the maze, with ever growing awareness and appreciation for the process itself. I am becoming free of my need to know all up front. One must have direct understanding of the truth- to become it, not simply understand what is correct. I hope you enjoy the process of deciphering this within yourself.
This Poem was Critiqued By: James C. Horak On Date: 2006-02-02 23:04:57
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.96154
I am old to this journey, my youthful aspirant. I have seen
men attempt to gauge a world without evil, the greatest folly
of all. I have seen men deny there are others better...coming
to believe, in all things, the greatest self-deceit.
Witness those monks who tempt the spine to behave as would
a cobra...solely to enter the abandon of woman in coitus,
ending in lewd sneer that will not leave their face.
There are perfections, but the will must remain poised in
the nobility of wholesome intention to realize models that
persist past illusion. Otherwise nothing is manifested,
brought from indealization into unperplexed being.
Men tasting virtue as well as love from those that come
to their bed. Women unscornful of their lover's intentions.
Only the things remarkable to discovery give life value.
All else is practiced child's play, the drawing of breath
to lungs untrained to hold air.
You are wrong to grant polarity to mind, to sublimate the
tear between consciousness and its broken brother. Only
in unity of both minds is gain obtained. Only in unified
consciousness can the models the mind is able to contain
be manifested.
You are taught dichotomy to make you more willing to
yield to enslavement, to laud such things as ambivalence
and loss of personal accountabilities. To accept the yoke
of knowing one thing and living another.
All you pursue is aimed solely at making you better to
serve another. I pray you see this before your life force
is spent to any degree such that your promise of pursuit
more worthwhile to your self is much lessened.
For when you come to finally be on the right path, your
wait will be patient on the student that prepares for the
master realizing that one is no more found by looking than
is a good wife.