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The white magnet What looks for all the world like a blank page, inert as bone piercing a desert's crust, is chaos, dawn, the day of creation, stunning the grasshoppers. All attention comes down to this: a suburban train line gurgling work dirges every twelve minutes, twin ribbons of cars waxing road water while the ashphalt screams, parrots tearing air with tongues like nail guns, and me and my chin quivering over steam-quills of coffee. And I ask, What to do? The grand project has whittled down to a twee accretion of irreconcilable moments, bled from air. I may have a horse, a daughter, a four-poster bed made of history, a blank look on my face, and an apple, but I will not soon astonish Paris. Like god's paraphrase, the magnet compells sedans, escarpments, into my ears, eyes, out through my fingers and onto its void. None of it makes sense, nor will it ever since I cannot lift its veil or stop its Eurydicean fading to grasp what, beneath filings, organises this world. |
This Poem was Critiqued By: arnie s WACHMAN On Date: 2006-06-03 11:45:55
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.91667
Remember that song:"Pave paradise and put up a parking lot?" This is very reminiscent of that.Although subtle you make your point. "Steam quills of coffee?" Must be an Aussie phrase. Never heard it before. Good on ya Mate.