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God's Greatest Gift God's Greatest Gift In the beginning there was a boundless void there were no stars no moon no sun The heavens were vacuous and the rivers did not run No air nor man did walk this land, no land was there for man to stand. Vacuum and void engulfed this place called earth then came the Lord to give us new birth With a few simple words and his power and might The Lord started out and said"Let there be light" Forward came the light shining bright The moon the stars the suns effulgent light Trees and flowers grew to new heights Birds took to the sky with wings in festive flight The wind the water, and the deep blue sea all of God's creatures on earth to be free. Man was created from the dust of the land But he stood alone by the ocean in the golden sand Then came the rib taken from him and woman was created also free of sin Together they would become one In the name of the Father and the Holy Son. We cal her woman but she is a wondrous boon To be honored and cherished like a sensitive tune So soft and gentle and so full of Love This gift we call woman is a gift from above. So remember this when you need a lift Woman is truly God's Greatest Gift. F.Koster |
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