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Where Darkness Lies It’s dark inside, Nowhere to hide Shadows progress And I regress Sink further in As nightmares win Over the mind The soul’s resigned Depression seeks Consumes and wreaks Havoc and more Through ev’ry pore Poison has been Injected in Anesthesia Makes amnesia Paralysis Again persists Mind is numbing And succumbing As darkness weaves I’m forced to grieve But tears are lost Another cost Of giving in To mortal sin Dry eyed and bare A frozen stare Reflects so well My living hell |
This Poem was Critiqued By: cheyenne smyth On Date: 2011-02-16 17:14:14
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.71429
Hi Mandie,
This poem is so full of emotion and woe that it is hard to read with a dry eye. Anyone who has suffered a loss can appreciate your words. Words which are stark and brooding but somewhat softened by the gentle rhyme. A very thought provoking poem. Well done.
Best wishes,