This Poem was Submitted By: DeniMari Z. On Date: 2011-07-16 00:22:44 . . . Click Here To Mail this Poem to a Friend!To Listen to Music While Reading this Poem, just Click Here!
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"I've Never Lost You" I love you today in so many ways.
Through all
the years
length of
or tears
my love
for you continues to grow.
Oddly, wondering
how could
I believe
missing you
would lessen
or fade,
nothing will ever
replace someone
I made.
to this world
protected and objected
all of my care
to keep you
from harms way
was taken
from me
for "God"
you see?
Always has the power over all I believe.
Our love no one
not even "God"
can steal us apart
for "Angel" babe
you live in my heart.
I still love you today in so more many ways.
Having grown
as well
stood at
the door
of "Hell"
and finally shut it
it helps me more.
I may not see your face but I remember you as you were
bless you dear sweet angel you have shown me you are near!
Copyright © July 2011 DeniMari Z.
Additional Notes:
Approaching which seems so impossible, inconceivable honestly that I lost my beautiful
son Shaun on August 6th, 2007. I always honor him with written words that come from my heart.
Although grief is a long ugly relentless process, we actually grow through it and change,
and Deni has changed - which I choose to think that my personal life tragedy has
made me stronger in life - and with God & great friends I notice daily those baby steps
are easier to take - I'm up on my feet again and really walking.
This Poem was Critiqued By: cheyenne smyth On Date: 2011-08-03 00:11:57
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.75000
Hi Deni,
This is a gut wrenching poem. I have lost many that I loved but can't imagine the loss of a child. Your journey has been long and painful but as I read this poem I know the most acute pain is behind you. They (who ever they are) say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger in the end. I believe that is true because it happened to me and I know you will survive the grief. This is a good poem that speaks to your grief and the healing which is taking place. Well done.
Best wishes,
This Poem was Critiqued By: Mandie J Overocker On Date: 2011-08-01 14:01:51
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 1.00000
This is a fine tribute to your son, Shaun. It flows well and has a soothing lilt as it is read. How more can i critique such a piece from your heart? It is clear that your writing is a means to healing as you remember him and yet continue to walk your journey in this world. Thank you for honoring us with this post this month.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Tony P Spicuglia On Date: 2011-07-25 20:30:40
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Deni; your piece as passionate and touching as it is, is a reminder to all of those no longer in our lives.
How tragic the loss of one so loved. In your words, much as you say in your piece, there are pieces remaining. With you we abet the wonder of our children and the unnatural mensa that comes with them passing before us. Walking through the scene, the remembrance with you- places us as close to the foundation as is possible, never having known the substance of the person. It is an honor that you share the moment, the medium of your love; and so well put- you honor your son in such a way that I will also remember him, and you.
Thank you for sharing this. It was of great value to me, to see the two of you.
This Poem was Critiqued By: charles r pitts On Date: 2011-07-20 10:10:48
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 1.00000
i can't begin to imagine the pain, suffering, grief and horror you must have gone (and at times, still be going through). i've never had children, and at my age, probably never will. still, i have loved and lost to the extent that only the childless can, and i must say, that this piece of work was very moving. i feel like i got a glimpse, not of the overall emptiness such a tragedy brings, but of a hundred private moments--remembered, missed and mourned. through the first two stanzas i thought the poem was about a husband lost, but the last line of the 3rd "someone i made" brought home the horrible truth. it takes a lot of courage to share something so painfully personal and private, and real talent to present it in such a way that someone like me can understand and get some idea into the way something like that feels. it definitely made me think about my own feelings in such a situation. well-written and thoughtful...and i love the strength you show in the last three stanzas. very inspiring....thanks...
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