This Poem was Submitted By: Michael Bird On Date: 2011-10-16 23:13:43 . . . Click Here To Mail this Poem to a Friend!

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Death-is it really final?

Some of us like to think  That the soul goes to heaven or hell Some believe in ascension And others believe in passing To a higher level of existance It makes no difference,really Yet, what most do not realize Is That loved one never leaves us But remains inside of us As a beacon of hope  For as long as we are alive.

Copyright © October 2011 Michael Bird

This Poem was Critiqued By: Dellena Rovito On Date: 2011-10-25 19:02:13
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 1.00000
Michael, Our departed do live on in our memories. I also sometimes feel their energy in the feeling of love. I feel them in the air, in the sun, in the places they were, they become part of who you are. That's what it means about being one together. Being connected. Your writing was thoughtful. We deeply miss the ones that leave.... Good job Michael. Dellena

This Poem was Critiqued By: Latorial D. Faison On Date: 2011-10-21 14:58:12
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Michael, Truer words have never been spoken (smile). What an interesting poem giving such true thought. I've lost so much, it seems, in the last few years, so I could really internalize this poem. As someone who grew up with a strong sense of and faith in God and someone who has studied pretty much the various types of religions and nonreligious sector, I found the very first stanza of this poem to be very necessary. But what I liked most was that you so poetically accentuate one of the most poignant realities of death. The person never does really leave those left behind. If an individual has lived at all, then he/she has left indelible marks on those continuing the plight of life. The only smaller, perhaps less meaningful, critique that I would make on this poem is how you structure and format the lines. I think that the poem could probably be read and maybe even flow more poetically if you built the reading around the structuring of your lines. Maybe not. I was imagining perhaps if it could be an even greater read if the lines were shorter, and if these words just seemed to fall and drop on the page. Great job Michael! You have written a poem about a great truism. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed it.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Tony P Spicuglia On Date: 2011-10-20 10:58:11
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
A nice view of the transition, that of the possible/or not metaphysical ending, and the emotional/memorial that exists in those who were touched. S2L3 (loved ones)or (a loved one) Such memorial, that of the remains within those touched is essential to the truth of whatever we are. You are absolutely corrrect. I would take it further and say that; whatever is passed on to another generation actually extends beyond the lifetime of the first person memory. A nice view of what we all have in living and dying, and tribute.
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