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midnight rumblings I suppose its the stillness in the air or the sharp strikes of lightening in the north but I can feel the vibrance of the earth the enormity of space and soul I've buried my feet here in this dirt seeking protection from the forces harvesting energy for me and my roses. But the storm is great now and upon me I think of the old oak and the apple how they turn their leaves in protection from the storm they breath fresh life the air is caffeine-like tonight stimulating leaf growth for the hastas and the cannnas. |
Additional Notes:
had to quit because of the lightening, but the rain is awesome, steady and sure
This Poem was Critiqued By: Tony P Spicuglia On Date: 2012-04-13 12:27:01
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 1.00000
I know I have gotten into trouble with my friends before, whom having endured tumultuous weather, found my appreciation for the beauty of such to be unsettling.
The last two days we have had weather similar to your description. I stand in awe and exultation- and then this morning is your verse. I appreciate your description (for good or bad) and the –caffeine-like- nature of your observations.
Your piece sort of drives me to again attempt to capture what occurs around me. For the moment though the –vibrance of the earth- is mollified by reading your fresh reflections.
(too many ‘n’s in cannas). Thanks for a moment of vision