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THE QUEST. THE QUEST. Too much time on my hands, I suppose was to blame. Though I swear by an oath it's the truth. In the laze and the haze of a young afternoon, years ago in my miss spent youth. Education a waste, I had thought of this muse, that I've pondered for many a year Could a sentence be written with seven times “and.” The answer must surely be there. Spending most of my time at the Cat and the Queen. An Ale house quite close to my home. The answer it seemed stared me clear in the face, but remained somewhere back in the gloom. Tell prey during the course of my very long life, gone are three score years now and a pair. I'd wasted paper and ink and a Tumbril of nibs, I'd give up the quest in despair. I decided to trip to the Inn for a beer, our fine local, The Cat and the Queen. Where building sore head over many fine Ale, I'd pondered but never had seen. There afore ageing eyes, hung the answer my friend. Where I'd sunk many pints of the best. For there swung ageing sign over like ageing door and the end of my life long quest. For the painter had spaced out the words all cock eyed. Mine eyes though be old were still keen. Then I knew that my life had not all been a waste. He'd left too much space in between, “The” and “Cat” and “Cat” and “and,” and the “and” and "the Queen.” |
This Poem was Critiqued By: DeniMari Z. On Date: 2015-08-19 11:59:11
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Awesome, truly some of the best verbiage and poetic lines I've read so far this month -
It's almost like a fable - as one looks back at many pleasantries - and your chosen words are stand out -
so many I'd be writing your poem here - to show you how much of it I enjoyed -
This story like piece begins and ends with years between all of it - and how you managed to complete it as such is truly poetic talent -
Your ending is superb - and I hope there are no regrets to look back at - I can't find them in this write -
You had asked before what IMHO meant - it's In my honest opinion - abbreviation of those words.
On my list of favs for this month -