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Perhaps We'll Be Back Each millisecond in each turn our Universe moves in divine ways a single being microscopic dot under majestic power Inconceivable yet so real that we exist fascinated yet captured with life, an anatomy mirrored to miracles Minds of brilliance complexities opposite of animals which share the same space as us Capacity enough to be born within such an extensive exceptional world embraced by the unseen yet most powerful truth Undeniable unbelievable to fathom how small we really are Where the most importance of life is to do it without question never doubting for a moment This reality is a reality which no genius or fellow man Can precisely say the words we need to hear to believe and understand The exit still a mystery from all ages and alike could bring a universal closure or just allow the spirit to be joyful to continue on in flight. |
This Poem was Critiqued By: Joe Gustin On Date: 2016-01-23 10:21:27
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
A very thought provoking poem. So many questions about a mystery that is life. Each stanza begs the birth of more poems."an anatomy mirrored to miracles" is one of my fav. lines. By the end of my reading of your work I wonder what life might be like if we knew for sure the outcome of our souls. All and all a wonderful inspired poem.