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Cyberstation for Deni I can still faintly see the scars on the gray skin, cuts in the form of letters, names. the main wounds appear gone, but they are under the gray skin. peel back the outer layer: they are still there. there was a battle here. the world took little note. the living, rather, have taken flight. the dead cannot leave. a gray hand moves across the page. how altogether fitting, gray for the page. the ghosts can only be seen by a trained I, and I have been trained. puffs of steam rise from my nostrils, my ears. my mouth. but like you, them, I have nowhere to go. Readings: |
This Poem was Critiqued By: Joe Gustin On Date: 2016-01-23 10:27:02
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Gorgeous writing. Makes me want to take new directions my own poetry. Scars indeed all though healed they still leave ghosts.