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If I were the wind If I were the wind I would play in your hair all day If I were the sun I would rise only to illuminate your face. As stars I would dust your shoulders your eyes As a snowflake I would sacrifice myself to the warmth of your flesh |
This Poem was Critiqued By: Tony P Spicuglia On Date: 2016-09-24 09:23:42
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.00000
Indeed, I did with this piece;
Play in her hair, brighten her face, look with wonder into her eyes, serve the warmth of her skin-
This is a poem of candidacy, of the eyes through the soul. I know the feelings and re-felt them in your words. Your so few words fill volumes of romantic poetry.
As a snowflake- the ubiquitous definition of singularity, taking on another state, changing, for the love of the woman. Brilliant!
Thanks for my morning Joe, you and Lora hit me with your best shots!