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Its An Emotional Love Some love can be a lie of the heart, Just a ploy from the very start. Its what remains after a passionate beginning, We never wanted it to end, It was always a matter of when. I`ve been around enough to have learned, The hotter the fire ,the deeper the burn. But that didn't happen to us, It was never a matter of trust. You`ve always been an emotional girl, I`ve awakened something in your past. I always wanted this love to last, But somehow the oyster lost its pearl. I cant go the distance with so much resistance, When you hold me at a distance. I know that there are doubts. For God`s sake don't shut me out. Some love is just a pain of the heart, It was never a matter of trust that kept us apart. After you heard lie after lie, There is no question as to why. This time you haven`t a thing to loose, You can take it,you can leave it,whatever you choose. I`M here to see this through, I know you`re aware that love is a natural thing, I can be a fool or a king, For God`s sake just let me in. Love can be a fool of the heart, Just give us a chance To have an emotional start. |
Additional Notes:
inspired by life events and Billy Joels "A MATTER OF TRUST"
This Poem was Critiqued By: Ashni Irey On Date: 2019-01-25 10:48:45
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 1.00000
True love always inspires courage, courage that would often make one look like a fool to the rest of the world. I admire that you were able to write something so honest. I hope this reached the eyes of the one who inspired it.