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Glimpses of Glory Temporal things burden my weary mind, weighing my spirit. Turning my face toward heaven, I shut these fleshly eyes-- traveling to a secret place, seen only to the eyes of faith. In expectation, I lift my hands upward, reaching out for Him; feeling tears of longing falling, streams of hope flowing-- He catches every one of them in His cup of Grace. "Don't weep, my love," His Presence softly speaks, so tenderly-- "Come fly on wings of praise, behold the brilliance of heavens' face." Wings of His Spirit come nearer, swiftly sweeping my soul higher; resting safely like an eaglet, I soar on the feathers of His Strength-- remaining rooted to earth by feet of clay, my spirit flies free. The melody of His Voice reaches deep into hidden ears of my heart, singing my song of redemption; a resounding symphony of harmony-- swaying my soul to the rhythm of His Love, attuned to my praise. "Come away with me, my love," He whispers sweetly to my soul-- "Catch a glimpse of My Glory, all those gifts awaiting, just for you." Fiery crescendos of God's Glory blaze through my soul, charging hope; lighting my mind with Truth, and reigniting my will with holy purpose-- Comsuming my doubt and fear, it leaves only the Rock of my Faith. I fly on the wings of worship, feeling the warmth of His Presence; breathing in the fragrance of His Perfume, basking in His Brightness-- gliding on the wings of praise, gracefully landing on Victory's Mount. "Only a glimpse now, my love," My Beloved reaches out to enfold me-- "your mind cannot conceive the grandeur my heart created to crown you." His Holiness humbling my heart, I know I must return to earthly roads, seemingly suspended in time, resting lightly on the feathers of His Love-- gently, He bids my mind return to the reality of the moment. Anticipating the perfection of His Grace in me, I wait for His return longing to be by His Side, no longer bound by the gravity of this flesh-- I listen for the sound of His Voice, looking for His Appearing. "Hear My Word, my love, " His Spirit gently reminds my reason-- "Rest in My promises to you, holding Truth precious to your heart." |
Additional Notes:
As a charismatic christian, it is hard to put into words what worship means to me. It is a journey I take, anywhere, anyplace I enter into praise. For me, it is not reserved only for Sunday morning church services. This poem strives to put into words the spiritual and emotional impact worship has upon my soul. Believing I am part of The Bride of Christ; I received some of my inspiration from Solomon, in his beautiful Old Testament book, "Song of Solomon."
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