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Patriot A sky blue slowly fading, with shallow breath proves him mortal. Body numb by the pain escaping, left to this world, where the war rages. His war ending, at libertie's price. Patiently her tree awaits, the sacrifice. Slowly sinking into his story. His mark, his life, his glory. One of many that lie on this field. One of many given to freedom's yield. A father, a son, a husband on leave. Hear! his dieing plea. Far from home, far from familiar, where his story does end. As a tear trails his cheek. He longs for the touch of love to rock him to sleep. An angel to nod, with the peace of "well done". From the cradle to the grave will his song be sung? Freedom's bell awaits her ring. No longer will this patriot sing, but in the hearts of those whose freedom brought. God bless the patriots who gave it all. Your story, your glory...lives on in my heart. |
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