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Simple's Grand Got a note from a young lady, On the net the other day, She said my rhymes were "simple," But she liked them anyway. She may have hit on something I don't think she understands, Took me sixty years of living To discover "simple's grand." My life was once much different, I joined the rat race every day. Always busy doing something, Never had the time to play. 'Cause I had to have security, And there's lots of "stuff" to buy, Fun can always wait 'till later, As long as I don't die. Had a friend that lived beside me, He was busy as could be, 'Till he dropped dead at forty, Man- that really got to me. So I think I'll do things different With the time that's left to me, Maybe slow down just a little, To see what I can see. Now all you lads and ladies Traveling in that old "Fast Lane," If you figure this out early, Life will bring a lot less pain. Me, I'm going to take things easy, Since I've come to understand; Life can be a "Bowl of Cherries" When you find out "Simple's Grand." |
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