This Poem was Submitted By: robert w groth On Date: 2001-08-14 09:46:08 . . . Click Here To Mail this Poem to a Friend!

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Psalm 1

How blessed is the man                   Yielding fruit in it's season                      Who does not walk                        It's leaf will ever be green In the counsel of ungodly                Prospering in all he does Nor listen to their talk.                By all men to be seen. He stands not in the pathway             The ungodly are not so With those whose ways are sin            But like discarded chaff Nor sits with the scornful               Which the wind drives away Whose hearts rebel within.               Forever gone is their laugh. The strong desire of his heart           Therefore in judgement  The greatest of his delights             The wicked will not stand  To meditate in God's Word                Nor sit with the righteous Every day and every night.               They chose the wrong plan.      For in God's holy Word                   The way of the righteous He receives direction                    Will live on forever Is taught eternal truth                  In the presence of God Which leads to his perfection.           Which He will not sever. He will be firmly planted                But the way of ungodly By refreshing streams of water           Will perish from sight Will grow like a living tree             For walking the pathway Magnificent in all splendor.             Away from God's light.

Copyright © August 2001 robert w groth

Additional Notes:
Note: This poem may be compared to the original text in any version of the Bible if one so desires to see how it compares to the original text. A few lines I added and some changed around but I flet that it was necessary to get it in ryhme form as that is the way I choose to write. Note: Please do not critique(according to poeticlink instructions) as to whether or not you agree with message content as that is each person's personal choice, but on how well the theme carries even if you disagree with it. For me it was a challenge and I hope you will check out the original and see how close I came but that is certainly not necessary if one chooses not to. I just personally enjoy this type of writing. Thank You. I am also interested if this poem shows up on your screen totally complete with no scrolling(up and down and/or right or left) required as that would be helpful to me. Please let me know one way or the other or if scrolling is used it does not cause a major problem. I am trying to make my two line poems as easy to read as possible. This one, of course, is only ten verses and I just don't like to make one long string on some of my longer poems with some going over 30 or 40 verses. Thank you very much. PS On my review screen all ten verses show up requiring no scrolling but I am finding out that they don't show up on the receivers screen in exactly the same format.

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