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Solitary Sacrifice As Jesus hung there in agony, I wonder what crossed the mind of His humanity. Nailed on a cross, between two guilty thieves, He was a man with reputation for good...not evil...yet, the sins of all eternity rested on gentle shoulders. Today He laid down power and deity for a crown of ugly thorns...Surrendering into the Hands of His Father, He dropped His scepter of creation, as nails crushed His Bones and a sword of injustice pierced His side. I wonder what strengthened His resolve, as blood freely flowed from His wounds? Was it the sea of mankind that weighed upon His mind, or was it each individual life He had known and touched, that constrained His will to finish His course? Would you give your life for a faceless stranger? Maybe, but for your child, would you step between heaven and hell or life and death? As He suffered, Jesus must have seen the faces of lives He had touched, reaching out for hope. Maybe it was seeing the grief-stricken face of his mother, Mary, weeping at His feet, that helped Him endure the bone-crushing nails driven deeply through His hands; His resolve to die strengthened by His sacrificial love for her and His brethren. Perhaps, impetuous Peter crossed His heart, as His body felt the sharp pangs of death. Did the thought of troubled Thomas, full of doubt and fear, fill Him with fresh mercy, as His sweat mingled with the blood pouring down onto the cross and ground? Did the childlike trust of His beloved John charge His compassion to endure, as the vinegar passed over His parched lips and burned His throat? Or, was it the memory of Mary Magdalene, kneeling, her tears washing His feet? Life ebbing from His veins, faces of friends and foes, were framed by His Holy Vision... their redemption bought by the blood of His Love...consuming the curse of sin... restraining the temptation to call the angels of heaven to deliver Him. Taking His final breath, feeling the pain of all their burdens...the fear of all their tears... reaching backward to Adam, and forward into all of eternity...all rested on His obedience. He was Son of God...yet, on that cross...laying aside His Godhead...died as son of man. Because of the impact of this solitary sacrifice, the flow of all history is changed forever. Eternity was sealed as He hung His head and died, and His friends forever free to enter a place paved with His Scarlet Blood...ushered into existence by a Path of Perfect Love! Each life, in obedience to God, has the potential to change the history of many lives. Don't underestimate the power of one single surrendered life. Whose history can I change, walking the path, paved by the blood of His Love? |
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