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Wolf Dear Outlaw from the pack, he ran low to the ground, wolf-like in his pin- striped suit, blending into the city canyon, he ran alone in the midst of thousands. Lobo in his eyes. Wild, she leaped across the floor barre marking her rise and fall. The mirror, a silvered lake of light watched impassively as she went en point. Froze, a listening deer. The moon, winter cold and glittering, shone down upon the crusted snow, lit the path where wolf and deer met that night, to celebrate the birth of the New Year wondering how it would end. He. She. They together watched the glitt’ring walls of New Year’s light reflect the stars, and held each other close and kissed the city madness from their city souls, knowing well their destiny. Alone mid thousands, wolf smiled at the moon and licked deer’s ear. Ah, adoration’s nip. Ummmm. |
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