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Big Catch After the rain last night I snuck out of bed With flashlight in hand I walked through the grass Flashing here, flashing there Just looking and hoping You should have seen the worms Gathered in one big spot Like a revival they were Just calling out to me Dad, its going to be A great night Boats all packed Poles, buckets, worms Even put in a snack Just in case we get hungry I can see the fish As they break water In the cove ahead As I held both oars Turning the boat around Finding just the right spot To put the anchor down Seaweed's plenty here What do you think? Should be plenty of fish So over the side I lowered the rope Which held the stone Which held the boat Then I cast out my line It bobbed red and white and then...... WOW...its gone Oh, there it is but look at it go 'Hold on', dad yelled I'll help you reel it in Heavy is not a word I would use for this big fish I tugged and pulled I'm just a little kid What do you expect The bucket was ready To hold my fish As soon as I pulled it in But what to my wondering eyes Should appear but two big eyes On an over sized head All starring back at me No way could I bring This thing into our boat But dad was well prepared He gathered his hook And scooped the neck Of the head starring back at me Its shell was wider then I've ever seen Its legs they scrambled all around The tail, though small was big enough to cause my legs to go over the side Safety is my motto at all cost Dad yell ' grab an oar' Make sure to jab it in its mouth Next time he opens it up My hearts a pounding The fear shes a popping But I did as I was told With this one catch we had to leave No fish were to be caught that night And for me, well I rowed with one good oar As dad held the other tight It took three grown men To remove my catch From the boat that night But since they all like Turtle soup What the heck I'm proud of what I caught And dad, we'll fish another day (c) claire h. currier 9-20-2002 |
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