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When Small Frogs Seem to Disappear After this morning's splash of water on my sleepy face, I spy a gold-green tree frog perched atop my folded towel. (Blink!) As I dare to grasp his damp, wriggling body in my bare hand, he stabs a small insistent snout between my clasped fingers. Once outside, I settle him safely in tender undergrowth; but thus freed he turns to me, poised as if to leap my way. Is this sticky gent a Prince I ought to kiss, perhaps still spellbound? How did this slight, grass-green guy find his way into my bath today? Perhaps he's a silent scout, sent to announce Autumn's approach, the somber season when small frogs seem to disappear at first signs of chill, and wait 'til time to wake in spring and sing. Though summer’s soon at its end, tree frogs will come to croon again. |
Additional Notes:
With special thanks to Sandra K.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Thomas H. Smihula On Date: 2003-10-07 23:12:46
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.46154
Joanne outstanding you made me blink, what a perfect spot for
you to make the reader pause. It is like a splash in the face.
Now he stays for you have given him attention and he looks
forward for another encounter. Nice way to end summer.
Again thanks for another outstanding poem. Tom