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Sweet, Sweet Music Everyone taps a toe to a tune he knows and has a go at the piano. It's said to soothe the rabid beast, heal, promote real feats of growth in flora. Music is more than thought before: ants sing at their chores, sand sings on New England shores, and rocks ring as long as one pings them. One of the oldest instruments, now preserved, is made of stones with the look and tone of a xylophone. As ancient man looked to a fan of sky, seeking the divine, his soul also cried for lines of rhythm and rolls of sound. Let it be found! And God heard man's plea and in a delicious delivery, gave His new few a capacity for music. |
Additional Notes:
Part I of II.
Scientists have recorded ants singing and
singing rocks and sands are also factual.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Thomas H. Smihula On Date: 2003-10-07 22:39:39
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.45098
Mell I look forward to part two for in this part you
have created the sound now what could possibly be next?
Music like writing gives flow to ease the tensions or
heighten the moment. You have laid the ground work for
the next segment of the poem for I do feel it is not
complete yet. You use such wonderful communication to
show us what God has granted man. Well done.
Looking forward for more. Tom