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Belonging All my life I sought to belong what is it? what it is that people want What is that which fails my mind, lost I was as thoughts went by Every twist'o'fate and time left me more dead than alive The secret I thought I finally understood fortune, however, was not so kind Each time rejection came, swallowing hard I hid the shame, Eyes glazed but tears never slipping, steeling myself I waited for the pain tumbling and turning one night Unique, I was not to belong The gods I once knew had smiled realization dawned, It was all in the mind!! |
This Poem was Critiqued By: Debbie L Fischer On Date: 2004-01-25 14:09:25
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
This poem reveals what so many people have experienced. How often we percieve rejection, sure that we are
not part of the whole and waste so much time concerned about what we are not (or what we think we are not)
until tumbling and turning, we awake with maturity and time and realize it was not as we thought.
I like the simplicity of this and yet you tell a great story.