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I am updating my info as I have been here for nearly two years now. I love this site, enjoy the friends that I have here and just want everyone to know that I appreciate all the wonderful help that I have been given since first logging on. I live in Illinois, work as a customer service rep for my local utility company. I love to write, and hope to do more of it in the future as I learn more and more about this craft. I have 8 grandchildren and another one on the way. I love my children and my grandchildren. My email address is Steve and I have been married for 9 years, we have two dogs, one a Beagle/Lab that weighs about 75 lbs, and the other a little shi-tzu that is about 10 lbs. They are both spoiled rotten! Hope you enjoy my work.

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Displaying Critiques 1 to 50 out of 172 Total Critiques.
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Poem TitlePoet NameCritique Given by Sherri L SmithCritique Date
Flawed EssenceKenneth R. PattonKenneth, I know it's been a long time since I posted, but this moved me as a beautiful poem that reminded me of the memories I have of my Dad. Mom and Dad both had problems, but I am trying to remember only the good times. You don't have to rate me, I don't even know how it works anymore. Just wanted to say hi. Sherri Smith2005-11-25 12:28:47
Abiding WinterJoanne M UppendahlDear Joanne, A beautiful little verse, I have missed your poems. Merry Christmas Sherri Smith2004-12-23 10:36:24
Christmas TracesMell W. MorrisDear Mell, Good information on a little known subject. I knew a woman like this once and it truly is a sickness. Happy Holidays, Sherri Smith 2004-12-23 10:31:22
Out The Window I GoPaul R LindenmeyerDear Paul, Thanks for a wonderful story, Happy Holidays to you and yours. Sherri SMith2004-12-23 10:21:49
X Me HappyDeniMari Z.Dear Deni, Good Christmas poem. Just couldn't help reading some of the entries from my friends. Happy Holidays, Sherri Smith2004-12-23 10:17:11
verse 35 (Manger) - revisitedErzahl Leo M. EspinoDear Erzahl, I just couldn't resist taking a peek at some of the poetry of some of my dear friends. I may be absent but my friends not forgotten. Of course, you are the haiku artist and this one is wonderful as usual. Happy Holidays, Sherri Smith2004-12-23 10:13:34
japanese verse 49 (Eclipse)Erzahl Leo M. EspinoWow Erzahl, this is so cool! Beautiful description in such beautiful words. I especially liked the last line it caps it perfectly. The jewel of light, how majic! Sherri2004-05-31 22:43:51
japanese verse 48 (Worms)Erzahl Leo M. EspinoErzahl, What a wonderful haiku about an absolutely disgusting subject. I hate the feel of worms, slimy and I hated baiting my own hook when I had to go fishing with my first husband. Ick...but lovely poem just the same. Another gem, as usual. Sherri2004-05-31 22:42:22
Hush, The Young Bird Sings Once MoreJoanne M UppendahlDear Joanne, I can picture you in your beautiful garden, listening for your one special bird. The scene is so peaceful and serene and brings a calmness to my spirit. I imagine you standing in a beautiful Thomas Kincaid scene and it makes my heart joyful. Thanks for sharing this beautiful poem. Sherri2004-05-31 22:36:21
My Mom's MotherhoodThomas Edward WrightThomas, Oh your Mom is so lucky! This says so many nice things about her and about you too! I enjoyed each word and I know that she did too. Sherri2004-05-31 22:22:55
Just For FunMarcia McCaslinDear Marcia, I know why you are a song writer. You have such a talent to make the words flow and to sind when you ready them. This light hearted look at the "great beyond" reads so well, and from a cowgirls point of view. I love the visual pictures that you put in here, so much I could see the pearly keyboard and all. Thanks for sharing this joyous poem with me, it made my heart sing. Sherri2004-05-31 22:18:37
Blending of the HeartDebbie SpicerDear Debbie, This poem is wonderful, it seems like you are so at peace with yourself, it is showing a wonderful growth and healing on your part. I am so happy that you are doing well. You have been through so much and you deserve all the love that you can be bestowed on you. You are a wonderful person. Sherri2004-05-31 22:08:33
New ChapterKaren RaganDear Karen, I feel your pain and your love as well, witht his wonderful poem about your son and new daughter in law. My son married last August and I cried for the same reasons, first of all, because he has only wanted to be married and have a family of his own. He inherited a daughter and now they are having one of their own. I saw the love that they shared for each other and rejoiced in it, but sorrowed too for the fact that I would not hold first place in his life any more. I am totally thankful for Amy, and think of her as my daughter the one that I never had. I have a wonderful relationship with my daughters in laws as well as Steve's daughter. I am happy about that. I hope that you will be blessed witht he kind of relationship I enjoy with all my "girls". Sherri2004-05-31 22:01:32
RememberingKaren RaganDear Karen, This piece struck me forcibly today as it is my Mom's birthday and and I took care of her while she was dying of cancer. She was not able to be at home, but I was there faithfully to the end, from the first of October to the 23rd of January. It is so hard to watch a loved one die. Ii am going to visit my Dad in California, who has been given just a few months to live. In a very selfish way, I am glad that I won't be close enough to see him at the end. Does that sound selfish to you? I am sorry. I love him, and don't want to see him suffer. I have only known him for 14 years. Will go to visit on 16th of June, we will have a Father's Day celebration and it will be the first time ever that both his daughters will be together to celebrate that special day with him. Sherri2004-05-31 21:48:42
Where The Heart IsMell W. MorrisDear Mell, This is a thought provoking poem. I can identify with it as I moved a lot during my childhood years. I wonder if I left pieces of myself in those places where I lived. Feeling like I had no roots, but longing for a home. I lived in the same house for 20 years, with a man I didn't love, for the reason I couldn't face the move, the change. Even now, I have a hard time moving furniture around in my house. I like to keep things the same. Speaking of lilac bushes, I finally got one for myself, just like I always wanted and planted in my back yard. I feel for the homeless, but can emphasise with those that had to leave everything behind. Thanks for sharing. Sherri2004-05-31 21:42:28
I Wish I Could Write A Sonnetmarilyn terwillegerDear Marilyn, I don't know if this a sonnet or not, but I do know that it sets a playful mood and it is easy to read. Something that I can enjoy and understand without taxing my poor brain! Thanks for sharing, hopefully this is what you want it to be, if not it still brightened my day. Sherri2004-05-31 21:35:12
By The Seat Of My PantsMarcia McCaslinDear Marcia, I wouldn't know a sonnet from anything else, I just know that I liked this! It is rhymed beautifully, and just seemed to sing off of the page in wonderful imagery. I think I may have found some of those words at one time. Good job. Sherri2004-05-31 21:27:04
japanese verse 47 (Ava Jean)Erzahl Leo M. EspinoDear Erzahl, I have done very little critiquing this month, but can never pass up the opportunity to comment on your lovely haiku. This is a wonderful tribute to your friend, and I feel like you did an excellent job in describing her in the prescribed format. Great job. Lucky lady to have you as a friend. Sherri2004-05-31 21:20:42
I Am Fred (chapter two)marilyn terwillegerDear Marilyn, I love your little elf, and Claire was right in encouraging you to continue his saga. It is humorous, light hearted and fun. Exactly what I needed to read tonight. Sherri2004-05-31 21:13:39
HidingNancy Anne KorbDear Nancy, All the hidden meanings are perfectly clear to me. It reads like my life. Sherri2004-05-31 21:03:36
SuicideErzahl Leo M. EspinoDear Erzahl, This is very different for you my friend but still a very good read. I like the concept and the rhyming couplets. The only thing that I would suggest is that you tighten up the last couplet. It has too many beats in the last line for it to read smoothly. BUT, you are the author, this is only a suggestion. Sherri2004-05-11 22:29:32
CanticleJoanne M UppendahlDear Joanne, This poem touched me, as I just sent my stepmom a bouquet of tulips for Mother's day. The way that you describe them just makes them look alive to me, with all of their glorious color. I like this line very very much: At noon they breathe out deeply praising, sighing, and then sleepily nodding as evening prayers arise from petals closing over tulip eyes That is a beautiful image. Another lovely nature poem Joanne. Thanks for sharing. Sherri2004-05-06 22:29:48
Blue Dragonfly - RevisitedJoanne M UppendahlDear Joanne, I see a few changes, but I still like the first one. I love the line "dipping low as to graze my skin" I can just feel the soft wing and gentle brush across my arm. It makes me feel it. I just can't resist reading and commenting on your work, although not a technical critiquer, I can tell when I can feel a poem down to my soul. Thanks again for sharing, Sherri2004-05-06 22:25:05
Instructions for My BurialJoanne M UppendahlDear Joanne, Though at first I thought this a pretty gruesome subject for a poem, I was entranced with the images, and I can picture you as you walk in your lovely surroundings. I imagine you as a beautiful Katherine Hepburn, willing the world to be what you see it as and the wonderful ways you describe it. Thanks for another lovely work of art. Sherri2004-05-06 22:19:58
japanese verse 45 (Stream)Erzahl Leo M. EspinoDear Erzahl, Another beautiful haiku, I bow to you the King of haiku! This one is so visual and special to me as it speaks of the sea. I love the sea, hope to someday live within driving distance to it. It is so peaceful and soothing to me. Thanks for sharing, it's another good one! Sherri2004-05-06 22:05:15
Blue DragonflyJoanne M UppendahlDear Joanne, I love sharing the world you see. You write so descriptively and beautifully and I can always see and hear and feel what you are talking about. Erzahl might be the king of haiku, but you are the queen of nature poetry. Your ability to convey so much with so few words is remarkable. I see you have a rewrite, don't see how you could make this any better. Sherri2004-05-06 22:03:15
Thumb of GreenMell W. MorrisDear Mell, This is a wonderful portrait of someone who actually loves what she is doing. Her garden means a lot to her, but yes you can tell that the sharing is the her first love. It is wonderful that she has the talent of the greeen thumb. That truly is a talent, I sure didn't inherit it from my Mom! Thanks Mell for sharing this wonderful story poem. Sherri2004-05-06 22:00:03
japanese verse 44 (Cross)Erzahl Leo M. EspinoDear Erzahl, No you don't sound "righteous" I think you are expressing your feelings in the best way that you know how to do and it is a beautiful one. Keep up the good work. Sherri2004-05-06 21:51:44
Who Slew My Daffies?marilyn terwillegerDear Marilyn, What a humorous little poem. Yes I can see some of my own poor little flowers with their heads droooping with the cold we have been having and the awful wind too. I think summer officially got here today, it hit nearly 90 degrees. It's cute Marilyn, I liked it. Sherri2004-05-06 21:45:49
Why is it that.....Sherri L. WestLOL Sherri, This Sherri can certainly identify with the above work. Gravity is certainly taking its toll on my body, even as I struggle to eat healthy, and do at least a little bit of exercise. I have not joine AARP either, right now the way I look at it, this is the best time of my life. And yes, I don't look in the mirror except once a day when I am putting on make up for work!! I really enjoyed this one. Sherri2004-05-06 21:42:17
Changing With The ChangesMarcia McCaslinDear Marcia, I can see the farmhouse, the fields with seeds just beginning to germinate and smell the breakfast that has just been eaten. This is so moving and picturesque as well. The question at the end was perfect...and I believe the answer is yes, he was telling her that he loved her. My husband tells me that he loves me in so many ways that has nothing to do with the spoken words. I feel that this was a long-standing relationship and that each knew each other well enough to know what was in the others heart and mind. That has to be the secret of long term relationships. I loved the lines: He hadn’t realized he had a glass heart, and she hadn’t realized she had a failing one. Perhaps it was best for him not to know. So they could enjoy their time together without worrying about what the future would hold. Just my thoughts on a beautiful poem. Sherri 2004-05-02 16:28:47
Haiku (She Digs It)Marcia McCaslinHi Marcia, I think this might be classified as a senyru. Same syllable count and 3 lines but not about nature. Cute, and so appropos for the times. I think you have really gotten into the spirit of the times here. Nice to see you again. Sherri2004-05-02 16:19:03
Passion's PardonAndrea M. TaylorDear Andrea, You touched on the very thing that I hoped people would remember. We can't blame all Jews for what happened in the past, just as we cannot blame all Germans for what Hitler did. We are never without our own blame in the scheme of things. This one touched me, and I am sure that it will many others as well. Sherri S2004-05-02 16:15:49
The Last VisitSherri L. WestDear Sherri, This is a wonderful tribute to your grandmother. I came to know my grandmother on Dad's side late in life, but in her, I saw where I got my love of writing, reading and so many other things that I didn't know I had that were hers. And my Dad's. My book is going to be dedicated to him, a thank you for passing his writing genes down to me. Your sincerity and love of your grandmother come through loud and clear and even though she didn't consciously know you, I know that she sensed it. I am glad that you recieved that precious gift from your grandmother. This was a very nice read, I enjoyed it very much. Sherri 22004-05-02 16:09:15
Eye Hath Not SeenMarcia McCaslinDear Marcia, What a clever little poem and so humorous. Yes the truffle dog will be there, I believe that my pets will be there waiting for me in heaven. Especially my little dog Doc that I couldn't take with me when I moved out and away from my first husband. He was given away and I believe that he died of a broken heart. I loved him very much. I enjoyed this very much Marcia, so glad to see you back and active on the link. Sherri2004-04-30 20:33:09
japanese verse 46 (Hyenas)Erzahl Leo M. EspinoDear Erzahl, I couldn't help but say hello and comment on your newest haiku. I have come to love this form of poetry and wish to thank you for insipiring me and teaching me love this poetry form. Great alliteration, and full of imagery and sound. Thanks for sharing, Sherri2004-04-30 20:29:44
Between Seventeen and Eighteenmarilyn terwillegerDear Marilyn, A figment of your imagination it might be, but I have seen her and many like her in the streets of New York City. How sad to know that there are so many homeless children, driven from their home, or so desperate to get away from horrifying situations. I could see in their eyes, the lostness, the lonliness, and the stark look of fear. Some no more than 12 with backpacks on their backs and living on the streets. They often fall prey to those that deal with children and then their horror really begins. It is so sad, I cried. I only spent one day in the city, but it is an experience that I will never forget. Sherri2004-04-30 20:17:08
Country MusicMarcia McCaslinMarcia, Again, I am so glad to have you back. I love the way that you picture things, and this could easily be a country song. I do not know how to write music, but this would certainly work. I love the references to the old country and the one song that I think is the most fun is Jose Cuervo! Are you submitting to song writers? Are you submitting anywhere? You must!! Sherri2004-04-18 17:01:19
"I Don't Know"DeniMari Z.Deni You are doing the right thing, just keep writing and keep posting. My husbands advice to me is to let go, write what I want, clean it up later, and not worry what someone will think. The secret is just doing, as I can see from this post, your muse is still there, looking over your shoulder, smiling with encouragement. I think they want us to think for ourselves once in a while. Thanks for sharing. Sherri2004-04-18 16:57:06
The Sixty Seven Percent Solution to the ProblemThomas Edward WrightDear Tom, This poem just resonates with sensory perceptions. It is a lovely, long poem that flows just as sweetly as the maple syrup doesn when you pour it on pancakes or waffles. It has the past and present and is pleasantly melded into a beautiful work of art. This one is going on my list for sure. You used alliteration so well and effectively throughout the work, as well as some internal rhyme. I probably could go on and on about it as this one is one that really caught me up into the mood as I read it. Thanks for sharing, Sherri2004-04-18 16:51:16
Hat LanguageMarcia McCaslinMaricia, oh Marcia How I have missed your wonderful western themed poetry on this site. I love this one, telling about that old hat. I have often wondered if items could talk, what they would talk about. You gave an excellent example of that. I could see the hat, and the many things that it had served well as the man who wore it. So picturesque and so simple to understand, and full of emotion. I am so glad to have you back. Sherri2004-04-18 15:07:20
An Atheistic Affermation of FaithPaul R LindenmeyerHi Paul, I liked the concept and the way that you wrote the (void) like a scrabble word. There is a misspell in the title, and I am sure you caught it as soon as you sent it, I normally Yes, I think that even an athiest will call out to God if they have the time before they pass. I watched my Mother die by inches, and in her final days, she was able to reconcile herself with the God of her childhood. She died peacefully. I don't believe there is a void, I believe that God is directing my path and I am sorry for those that don't have their faith to lean on. Thanks for sharing, Sherri2004-04-17 16:37:20
Untitled 2stephen g skipperDear Stephen, What a wonderful tribute to your wife. You can see the love and devotion that you felt for her. I know that she is smiling down tenderly and loving you and just waiting for you to join her someday. When you have had the love of your life and known the joy of that kind of loving, it has to be devasting to lose her. Thanks for sharing. Sherri2004-04-17 16:29:45
Haiku:GloryValene L JohnsonDear Valene, Thanks for submitting the rewrite. I enjoy haiku and enjoy reading it. I didn't use to, but Erzahl has certainly shown me the beauty of it. Thanks for sharing, Sherri2004-04-17 16:24:19
Haiku:GloryValene L JohnsonDear Valene, haikus are fun to write and this one fits all the criteria. Very good imagery, 3 lines that say a lot. Thanks for sharing. Sherri2004-04-17 16:22:50
Spring is Bornmarilyn terwilleger Dear Marilyn, How this poem gladdens my heart as I realize that spring is here. Not yet as warm as I wish it would be, but today the sun shone gloriously! My favorite stanza and the one that just seemed to sing out was: Gone are the belching spasms of wind and the yammering of winter birds, born are dainty bonnie butterflies and red robins rejoicing in splendor I love the alliteration in that last line. then the forest becomes tranquil, the carpets of white are gone, Thank God, and softly the rain falls to noursih the new leaves and festive petals. A beautiful poem of spring, I am so glad it is finally here. Sherri2004-04-05 21:02:09
The BucketMarcia McCaslinHi Marcia, great to have you back, I missed you and the wonderful scenes that you paint with words. Even the rising of a resurrecting sun Can barely coax a gleam, although reds and oranges translate to a bit of glint on its pocked surface. A wonderful beginning with glorious visions. I can see that old bucket hanging there not looking at all like it did when it was new, but still being used and the sun can still catch that bit of "glint".Two roan horses and a mule wait by the bucket, noses nudging it, eager for the morning routine. The purpose of the bucket, the feeding and watering of the animals, so familiar with it and just knowing what was coming. Marcia with your ranch "cowboy" background this is perfectly done. As late afternoon calls in its debts, the stabler fills the bucket with water and forgets. His mind is on the tavern-- the sounds and smells of it reach irresistibly into his lonely world. With the falling of the dark sky, the bucket, old as the dirt that packs its seams, has become a thing of beauty as it proudly cradles a crescent moon, and reflects a bucketful of stars from The Milky Way. The bucket we see is multipurposed. First the oats and then the water...but in his haste to be done with the chores he has forgotten to dump the water. There it is sitting all forlorn, but the beauty of the stars and heavens are mirrored in the buckets contents. Wonderful visually beautiful. It is so glad to have you back with your delicious ways of telling a story. Sherri 2004-04-05 20:55:00
Spring QuartetJoanne M UppendahlDear Joanne, Another wonderful nature poem with so much hope in it and beauty. The first stanza: I have no problem at all seeing the mallards and their little backsides swinging back and forth and their beautifully colored heads looking all around. Second stanza: A vision of wonders and great alliterations, the whole stanza just seems to trip off of the tongue. Third stanza: Then the sense of sound, with the singing of the frogs in the pond, engages the senses and makes you want to shout for joy at being alive! Then the beautiful ending, falling asleep listening to the symphony of nature. Gorgeous and another masterpiece is all I can say. I love it! Sherri 2004-04-05 20:31:14
At The Mammae of ModernityThomas Edward WrightDear Tom, I think this is the first time that I have actually read about a man wanting to bear a child. The old saying "If a man had to have the children the world would soon be empty" does not apply to you. I am amazed at the depth of perception that you have into the workings of a woman's body during pregnancy and birth. Awesome job, maybe someday a man will experience the wonder of childbirth. But, I don't think that God intended things to work that way. Thanks for posting. Sherri2004-04-05 20:09:07
Terra IncognitaMell W. MorrisDear Mell, Excellent! I wonder what does go through others heads. Surely they can't be as crazy as mine!! Then along you come and share your wonderful thoughts and sights with us. I think it must be the artist in us that makes us think of things differently then other people do. I know my husband just gives me strange looks at some of the things that I come up with! My mind seems to go a little crazy at night. My dreams are something else, full color and sometimes they even turn into short stories! Well last night I gave my son-in-law what for because of the heartache he is causing our daughter. So anyway, I will keep that one contained! Which brings me full circle: what quirks, majesties, and mysteries teem in the heads of others that forever will remain unseen and unsaid? Great ending question. Sherri 2004-04-05 20:02:57
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