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Elena,her Ninja,and Chernobyl She wears black leather Is sleek and sexy Just like her motorbike Faster than a speeding bullet Gone in a flash Like so many others Traveling from town to town Stopping occasionally now and then Exploring,checking out the desolation Riding through the country side No cars no people Nothing to get in the way Passing through intersections No need for stopping The silence is erie, downright spooky Only her ninja can be heard Screaming like a phoenix That can`t be found Villages,towns,nameless cemetaries Like Smirnovka A village of brothers and sisters Over twenty years now All that remain are pieces here and there Photos ,technics,all unusable The town,Ghostown,deserted Where time stands still Nothing but silence,dead silence All you can hear Is your own heart pounding Echoing off the buildings Searching from the rooftops To imagine the shining cloud People saw that fateful day And would not realize It would be the last thing they would see Their fate sealed forever A nursery ,shoes on the shelf,and on the floor No children,no parents An amusement park,silent too Forever frozen in time No music no laughter All vanished without a trace Three hundred thousand,maybe more,maybe less No one will ever know They all died a agonizing death Some were heroes,most were innocent Many had to leave their homes Never to return Welcome to Chernobyl and surrounding towns The dead zone Where the only sound you can hear Is Elena riding her Ninja Like a bat out of hell |
Additional Notes:
You can visit Elena`s site here
Elena,may your gaurdian angel ride with you wherever you may go
This Poem was Critiqued By: Mick Fraser On Date: 2004-05-01 12:41:42
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.50000
Hi Michael;
TY for the interesting lesson. Unfortunately, it appears that Elena has removed her site for many reasons according to a note she left there. However, I was able to search and find her photo report and was amazed at the images she captures. bleak, stark, desolate...lifeless.
I love the contrast of Elena her active pursuits and the speed of her bike with the inactive towns. You describe the picyures that I saw on the internet extremely well.
My favorite aspect of this work is that it raises the consciousness of people like me who may have forgotten about the horrors of the incident and brings awareness to potential problems that we will almost certainly face again. Like Bhopal, Chernobyl should give us all reason to understand that we can easily destroy ourselves through our own actions.
I truly was touched by this and TY for posting it.