This Poem was Submitted By: Erzahl Leo M. Espino On Date: 2004-11-24 07:38:33 . . . Click Here To Mail this Poem to a Friend!To Listen to Music While Reading this Poem, just Click Here!
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verse 64 (Doubts)
Spiders on my mind
Quietly stitch their web nets
Trapping my chances
Copyright © November 2004 Erzahl Leo M. Espino
Additional Notes:
- Thank you Joanne U.!
- To Brenda. You are a blessing! Don't let "doubts" block your faith. Continue on believing!
This Poem was Critiqued By: Dellena Rovito On Date: 2004-12-06 16:24:37
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.82051
I'm not sure about your meaning
Web nets? chances of doing something...
Spider on your mind/i'll buy that.
Doubt traps your chances on the web.
Which=the spiders.
You are competing and your doubtful.....
Hope thats it.
It's a little vague/or I am.
My best to you.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Jennifer j Hill On Date: 2004-12-04 11:30:29
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Dear Erzahl,
What a wonderful encouragement for Brenda. You are a dear man to dedicate this
to her and for thinking of her at a time when she is going through so much. Bless you
for that!
This is brilliant done! And what imagry!
The idea of doubts being spiders that stitch their webs in our minds and trap our
chance is absolutely amazing. You really hit it right on. I will forever think of spiders
whenever I have doubts, just because of you.
Again the poetics you employ here are great. The assonance of your "I"s with spider/mind/quietly
then soft "E" with web/nets and finally soft "A" with trapping/chances is music to me ears.
Thank you for being you Erzahl. You bless this Link with your presence.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Joanne M Uppendahl On Date: 2004-11-24 17:21:55
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Dear Erzahl:
Wow! What a stunning poem. You've said so much in just twelve
words, seventeen syllables that it boggles *my* mind.
Spiders on my mind
Quietly stitch their web nets
Trapping my chances
This one is ingenious for its imaginative leap and compelling
imagery. What an incredible thought -- "spiders on my mind"!
You've captured the slow, prickly, disquieting development
of doubt in a way that I've never seen done before. In my
book, you are now not only the King of Haiku of TPL, but
the psychologist extraordinaire. Amazing thoughts - that
our thoughts ("chances") are like flying insects -- so
fleet that a sticky web of doubt is all it takes to
capture them. And when that happens, we are 'caught' -
truly stuck until something or someone helps us to
become 'unstuck' and soar once more. I can readily
see how this poem can apply to faith which is deep
within, but supported (or not) by conscious thoughts.
The quietness of the web-formation is so subtle, that
it isn't easily discernible. Cautionary and entertaining
at the same time. Erzahl, it is completely my pleasure--
since I couldn't wait to see what your creativity had
This one truly is remarkable. (As is its author.)
Best always,
This Poem was Critiqued By: Mell W. Morris On Date: 2004-11-24 10:45:41
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
How can we be pessimistic and dubious as long as we have poets such as you?
You put a positive spin on everything you write or so it seems. I incline
to the moody, depressed sort of poet but right now, that comes from the pain
in my life.
We have become a cynical society compared to some or to our own history. Here,
so much of the prized things in life are predicated upon money and "the good life."
In this haiku or verse your metaphor is a spider's web for your mind, and its inherent
doubts. The sounds play beautifully...I don't do much scansion...but I must
comment on the long I in spider/my/mind/quiet/my as it is s spiritual sound albeit
you await the web's advent. That seems more aggressive than peaceful but I take
that feeling from your of sublimity approaching actualization.
Or shall I put it in the vernacular? Man, you are one cool dude! Or your ideas are.
This could be a surreal dream; a phobia about spiders is quite common. We think
of their weaving a web as you say "quietly stitching" and with the web, entangle
another insect for lunch, lay the eggs until they are ready to spring forth.
But in your poem, the spider webs trap your chances. That's a super idea and unique
for me. It is figurative but a clever way to say you were entangled by (??) whatever
which trapped opportunities which is synonymous with chances.
This is a universal theme, Erzahl, and one we can all use to look/analyze our lives.
The entire time I've been reading and analyzing your piece, I realize all the
chances I lost due to whatever reason. It also builds the framework for people who
rationalize. "It's all your fault!"
I don't have further comments but do have sufficient poetic sense to know a good poem
when encountered. I never have suggestions for change so I am of little help to
you but frankly, you do not need it!
Continue doing what you do so well and e-mail me, too, if you need credits. I would
be honored to help.
Take care and thank you for sharing this grand poem. Rating: *****
Mell Morris
This Poem was Critiqued By: Tony P Spicuglia On Date: 2004-11-24 09:55:44
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.96000
I found this particular piece to stand out in several areas. The meter is correct and the format fits well your message.
“on my mind” – I will get to the spiders later. I believe “on my mind” is the suffice to a thousand exclamations/explanations/passions/ect, and so immediately presides over the entire verse. “on my mind” there is always something, but then, now there are “spiders”. That is taking a euphemism and making it a malapropism, if you will. This is an endearing, albeit, foreboding, beginning.
“Quietly stitch their web nets” – we know the webs will catch something, and that the spiders are “quietly” meaning “surreptitiously”, and those webs contain no good for the harborer of the nests. An interesting twist is your use of the term “stitch” which connotes a “knowledgeably” made web. That is the maker “knows” the web is being made and may, or may not, understand the connotations of that web.
Finally we have “trapping my chances”. This is a broad enough statement to apply to many applications, of remembrance, of finding a way out, of ever hoping again, ect, many applications. What remains with me is that as the web is allowed to be constructed, and the harborer doesn’t occasionally sweep out the “cob webs” the damage is far more severe, than with one who actively wages war against the spiders. That also, by the way, is a truism dealing with Alzheimer’s Disease.
A very wonderful verse. Thank you for sharing.
This Poem was Critiqued By: James Edward Schanne On Date: 2004-11-24 08:52:04
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
I imagine thoughts struggling in a spiders web trying to escape with a spider closing in ready to bite and wrap up this tasty morsel and so:
struggling deepens
ideas in their tangles
poisoned silk entraps
Thanks for letting me read and comment. Always fun!
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