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Displaying Critiques 1 to 50 out of 185 Total Critiques.Poem Title | Poet Name | Critique Given by James Edward Schanne | Critique Date |
Ruffles | cheyenne smyth | I'll admit I'm a sicker for sonnets (it's may favorite way of writing a poem ) , every line and word rings right to me. so I wouldn't change a thing. thanks for the pleasure of reading your lovely poem | 2011-06-11 11:30:22 |
Spaces | Dellena Rovito | Its probibly just me but I stumble through reading this one, and yet I remain intrigued esp. with the last stanza, I'll have to come back to it after reading a few more, it may yet change for me. | 2009-04-29 15:23:20 |
Wandering | marilyn terwilleger | This poem gave me plenty of visuals and I always love that in a poem Thanks for a very good read | 2008-08-03 14:43:08 |
In Summary | Dellena Rovito | I really liked the line: Existence arrives, then blooms Thanks for a good read | 2008-08-03 14:40:35 |
Tobermory | James C. Horak | is the line supposed to read better me nice I quite insist or better be nice I quite insist The first way didn't work for me. thanks for letting me read it. | 2008-08-03 14:32:43 |
Traveling Book | Regis L Chapman | While I found the stanza: What Where When Why words in stone at ease smiling sycophantic night stars moving cars mountain high desert dry water wet sun set Thank You and Please To actually be the weakest part of the poem and so wondered at its repeat , I really injoyed the rest of it especially the third stanaza, Thanks for letting me read it. | 2008-08-03 14:25:16 |
Whispers | marilyn terwilleger | Always wonderful to read one of your poems, and feel the voices in the forrest speaking softly in my ear, Thanks for the good read, I only wish Icould suggest something to improve your work but my talents are not up to that challange | 2006-11-06 15:51:35 |
Silence | marilyn terwilleger | I like taking the common act of listening to a seashell and getting a roaring silence, Your always a good read. | 2006-04-28 07:14:55 |
Eternal Void | April Rose Ochinang Claessens | Interesting read, thanks for the note as it saved me looking it up, In particularly liked the last line | 2006-04-28 07:07:48 |
Old Friend | Latorial D. Faison | The middle stanza here hits me most in that we rush so quickly to angered yet drag our feet to forgive, I need to find those hills, Thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2005-01-06 16:04:36 |
A Birthday Psalm | stephen g skipper | this poem reads a long so prettily that it makes one think its too sweet to be substantial, which would be a mistake I think, lines such as; Fingertips on my skin, tracing a pattern intricate and infinite. gives the reader reason to pause and think about such patterns that passion would inspire, differant ones for every reader I'm sure; Thanks for giving me reason to pause and ponder. | 2005-01-06 15:42:55 |
A Web Within | Lennard J. McIntosh | Tracing out those intricate thought patterns that lead us to a level of understanding of our inner life perhaps if we're lucky even to epiphany but to get to the higher levels of self awareness calls for an honesty unshaken enough to not flinch in the face of self horror and also enough natural awareness that we're in a special place that may not come again, well thats kind of what I get from this poem, Thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2005-01-06 14:07:22 |
Where's a frog when you need one! | Lynda G Smith | Hypotheses are always in need of experimentation to test and science demands the ablilty to prove wrong and be repeatable, yet fairy tales demand happy endings for chamomile princesses but all is for not without that elusive amphibian. Yet I would hope faith remains hopeful, Thanks for letting me read and ramble on in comment. | 2005-01-06 12:01:23 |
When We Die | Paul R Lindenmeyer | I can see the grim ripper coming along sickle in skeletal hand to cut the thread of life of course he could just use a feather and tickle the soul free from its earthly bounds that way we go with a smile, Thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2005-01-06 11:23:59 |
Cut and Paste | Mell W. Morris | I find myself rereading the line he left her with their obsolete relationship wrapped round her neck like a boa because I find in my mind rotating the image of a piece of clothing and the image of a snake because old relationships even when gone can be used to cofort by waying of using it for a reason not to go farther in interactions with others but it can all so be used to choke off our life depending on how a person uses it I would guess its hard to throw off, needing much time and therapeutic help, either by our selves or with others help and I have always found poetry very therapeutic, Thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2005-01-06 10:52:46 |
Abiding Winter | Joanne M Uppendahl | This reminds me of when I was young and use to go camping by a near by lake and deep into the fall when it was cool but before the first frost has fallen sitting by the fire listing to a frog singing out his from deep in his throat, I can see the mist on that lake and feel the low heat of the nearby fire as I read your poem, Why is it so many of your poems flicker my youthful memmories all I can say is thanks. | 2005-01-04 14:51:31 |
A lovers dream | stephen g skipper | I like then dreamy images that this one gives me and also the expression of longing to be united, Thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2005-01-04 14:42:44 |
I Remember Julenisse | Rick Barnes | I keep wondering if belief and faith can really be separated or if one doesn't imply the other , I know you make the distinction between one being of the heart and one being of the mind and while I find this to be true analytically i'm not so certain if they can exist apart actually, Thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2005-01-04 14:34:37 |
HIM | marilyn terwilleger | I'm glad you re-posted as I wasn't here for the original posting, because I find this to be a very powerful piece. Thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2005-01-04 13:45:15 |
Because I'm a Woman | Latorial D. Faison | when a poem captures an emotion and passes it on to the reader in all its fullness, the poem has really fullfilled its mission, such as yours does here. thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2005-01-04 13:10:38 |
X Me Happy | DeniMari Z. | I wish I had read this before christmas and new years were over but it still put a smile on my face and a chuckle in my mouth thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2005-01-04 12:56:33 |
New Year's Eve | Kenneth R. Patton | This is a poem that really grabbed me and feel every line, I found it to be a very powerful piece Thanks for a very good read and for letting me comment. | 2005-01-04 12:47:05 |
Come Be With Me Like The Rain | Mell W. Morris | I find myself pondering the culture vs nature finding it as rhyming the eccentricities vs drawing from the dualism in world and spirit lines in this poem, perhaps meaning that society is built on the worst extremes of our natural being, I'm probably just misreading, but thanks for a good read and letting me comment. | 2005-01-04 11:54:43 |
Christmas Traces | Mell W. Morris | interesting read with a note that does enhance the understanding of the poem, I love the final scene of the coronation with tinsel as contrasted with the rest of the poem. | 2005-01-04 11:44:09 |
Love Tide | marilyn terwilleger | A sonnet on the ebb and flow of love, nature and emotion intertwine nicely and the last two lines are a dandy summing up I think. | 2005-01-04 11:11:31 |
untitled | Rachel F. Spinoza | You know I can't use the word hurled in poems any more because my wife says it reminds her of vomiting, your poem of course does not suggest that at all but reminds me bof the asteroid that may have end the dinosaurs time on earth of course I remmeber two of the theory of the death star that may cause periodic mass extinctions on earth I haven't read anything on that in a few years I'll have to check how that stands up to scienitific scrutiny nowadays, well thanks for making me think about that I always like to haiku back a haiku lets see: hellaciously rocked earthy bell rung out the time ends are shaken mean Oh well thats my feeble attempt | 2005-01-03 15:27:10 |
I Named Him Ocean For His Father | Rachel A Couch | what things in life makes us want to live, draws that desire out most intensely Love and The threat of Death Two very intense feelings, thats whats your poem says to me most, Thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2005-01-03 15:06:49 |
"What is a Tsunami?" | Latorial D. Faison | I read this morning of a mother who held onto her two children as hard as she could only to have the intense strom rip them from her grasp absolutely heartbreaking, Thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2005-01-03 15:01:31 |
Jack Frost | marilyn terwilleger | always nice to wake up on a winters morning to see the handiwork of jack the artisan especially back lite by the mornings sun, thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2005-01-03 14:57:19 |
Unknown | Latorial D. Faison | Vell my dear Latorial zee doctor must attempt to penetrate all of zees individuals to delve into zee inner complex .............. oh wait a minute that was just one of my personalities the doctor, I locked him back up, this poem did make me think about the inner workings of my mind and also the interractions of the mind and spirit and emotions................ Very interesting, Thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2005-01-03 14:53:16 |
Black On White | Mark D. Kilburn | Those poe little Ravens shivering in the snow with an endless refrain of Nevermore, I can picture and heaer them as I sit back and close my eyes, Thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2005-01-03 14:46:13 |
Letting the Me Out | Latorial D. Faison | From reading your poetry I never thought You- so often I keep me bottled up inside But I guess thats just my impression, it seems to me nothing would interfer with you letting yourself out, but maybe your poems more about not letting yourself being smothered by someone else. Thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2005-01-03 14:42:18 |
verse 67 (Jellyfish) | Erzahl Leo M. Espino | You know I usually like to answer your haikus with one of my own but this is one I want to just sit back and appreciate, Thanks for an excellent read. | 2005-01-03 14:17:34 |
Out The Window I Go | Paul R Lindenmeyer | if other peoples mistakes made the same impression on us as our own(mentally and physically) then we'd find it much easier to grow wiser. And having an eleven year old step daughter I can see the words of warning as they go around hear ears and never in them but thats the nway things always tend but I have hope that I impress somewhat. Thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2005-01-03 13:50:50 |
In the Sea of Sri Lanka | Jane A Day | Why does your poem bring to my mind a combination of chaos theory and the ending of its a wonderful life - " Everytime butterfly flaps its wings an angel urinates" Oh well that may just be my strange sense of science meets pop culture Thanks for making me wonder. | 2004-12-30 17:58:03 |
Christmas with Joe | Mick Fraser | I tried to sing this one but every time I try to carry a tune I drop it and trip over my tongue, but I enjoyed it as It read as being very heart felt and thats always a good thing Thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2004-12-23 07:34:08 |
verse 35 (Manger) - revisited | Erzahl Leo M. Espino | proud parents smile was that a donkey in prayer? God renewed in flesh You know I like to give my own take, Thanks for letting me read and contemplate yours | 2004-12-23 06:51:37 |
Norsemen of Antiquity | Thomas H. Smihula | I keep coming back top this one wanting to comment but unsure if I can do it adequate, I enjoy it quite abit and of course it brings the name leaf erikson to mind and the hardships the Norsemen faced so long ago, Thanks for the good read. | 2004-12-22 09:58:55 |
THE KING HAS SPOKEN | Monica ONeill | Very whimsical piece of poetry, that seems to capture every kitty I've ever known, PURRRRRRRRRfect!!! | 2004-12-21 07:19:17 |
Individuality | Latorial D. Faison | You mention prayer and it sounds like a prayer and as always your individuality comes through, short and sweet, Thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2004-12-16 11:08:38 |
Nightmare At My Street | Erzahl Leo M. Espino | No light on your subject just found it an an interesting read and thanks for all the notes as they give necesassary perspective, and even though I'm of European descent I'll eat lighter. | 2004-12-16 10:50:11 |
The Stones I Carry | Medard Louis Lefevre Jr. | Are the stones a metaphor, which I think they must be if they can break temptations which makes me wonder at what breaks scornful stares, walls(i'll assume all walls we build between our selves and others), light( knowledge of ourselves perhaps ), and temptations. I'm not certain if their just general faults or perhaps something more specific, Thanks for letting me read and comment on this interesting poem. | 2004-12-16 10:44:46 |
Lunar Longing | Joanne M Uppendahl | Does this mean the planet's Saturn Moon Titan is now a star, at least the Earths natural satellite can look hopeful to playing at least a cameo on up coming films, Thanks for the good read enjoyed it much. | 2004-12-06 08:35:11 |
November Elegy (connected haiku) | Joanne M Uppendahl | In the first I see the leaves twirling in the wind, giving asignal in the second for the animals to depart, the third one makes me think do the leaves seek burial at all I find myself answering yes only in the sence that to join with the soil it will once more become part of a living being once more only of course after it hang glides through the scenic space between the limb it leaves behind and the embrcae of the ground, and lastly the geese making what sounds like their getaway glad to hit the vacation sites they've been dreaming of. Thanks as always for letting me read and comment. | 2004-12-06 07:46:34 |
The Cabin | marilyn terwilleger | This poem pretty well captivated me ( I think I read it about Ten times) I wouldn't change a thing. | 2004-12-02 14:52:06 |
Autumn Tambourines | DeniMari Z. | Enjoyed reading this one very much, lots of images to stroll through my mind, all my tambourines have fallen and need to be collected although the wind is sharing them with the neighbors, now its time for me to return to that mysterious pool. | 2004-12-01 11:39:48 |
The Things I Leave Undone | marilyn terwilleger | Always good to hike through your lines of emerald and crimson, makes the mind climb and I think I know well the line: Known absurd folly of eagerness I relly like the line: Now the sharp edge of midnight creeps Although after a couple of reads I still wonder about the wizard sun, Thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2004-11-30 09:35:31 |
Earth, Moon and Sun (connected haiku) | Joanne M Uppendahl | The dance of our solar system (well a small part of it but I thought mars might try to cut in) they interact and without speaking express emotion, especially the earths blazing heart( although I hope it doesn't light up that could be a nuclear expression) Thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2004-11-30 09:23:15 |
verse 66 (Stars) | Erzahl Leo M. Espino | Line wine makes me think of champaigne, I see the bubbles leaving an open bottle and floating into the air especially when followed by line two - what better way to steal a vow. But it makes me wonder how they feel about the moons nuptials . sounds like their jealous. Thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2004-11-30 09:16:20 |
Winter Waltz | Patricia Gibson-Williams | This one charms me, it just flows so well and up here in Pa. we get snow every year. I'll build a snowman/snowwoman for you. Thanks for letting me read and comment. | 2004-11-29 15:05:48 |
Poem Title | Poet Name | Critique Given by James Edward Schanne | Critique Date |
Displaying Critiques 1 to 50 out of 185 Total Critiques.
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