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Reunion What if I could spend tomorrow, all day, with my grandmother? Maybe it would start like this: Grandma talks all afternoon after she takes me through the back door into her kitchen. Once we are in there, stories start to roll out, roll out like biscuit dough. As she moves around the kitchen, she remembers what happens at the stove, what happens over by the sink-- what she sees out the window. The big snow -- and all of us squeeze around the dining table -- our cocoa steams up the windows. And then that time Grandpa cursed and put out the chimney fire with Red Devil. I open the door where she lives, that place inside me where she always lives and she begins reading her memories out of it; she begins to show me the spare bed with the blue quilt. I smell the lavender she keeps in the clean sheets, and the flax seed she uses to make hair-setting lotion. After that, Grandma and I just hold each other and have a good cry. |
Additional Notes:
This Poem was Critiqued By: Gerard A Geiger On Date: 2005-02-24 17:59:05
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 1.00000
Dear Joanne;
What a beautifully heartfelt poem about time spent with
your Grandmother. Memories of congregating family members
around the kitchen and hearth...along with the attendant smells
associated with a clean well-kept home during the apex of
its use as hub of the family activity center. Picturesque, homespun,
warm and gentle....may I have a corn muffin, please?
You may say no....but I bet Granma would say yes....and give me
some strawberries to go with it!!..
Thanks for this delightful work,
always your friend,