Turner Lee Williams's E-Mail Address: mister_t25@hotmail.com

Turner Lee Williams's Profile:
In my spare time, I like to write poetry. Everything in the environment provides an inspiration for me to express my feelings in poems. I write about humorous as well as serious things; light verse and dark poetry; patriotic and political themes; children and nature; insight and love. I am retired military, USAF, 22 year veteran. I enjoy: spending time with my three dogs in the desert, walking in the mountains and TPL.

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Poem TitlePoet NameCritique Given by Turner Lee WilliamsCritique Date
Rub It In Rub It InEllen K LewisEllen--Scribe should be complimented for sharing such a personal and private matter (the details of which she and the family mem- bers only knows). However, the painful inferences conjure up an old addage: "we can pick our friends, but not our relatives." Pro- tagonist ardently entreats antagonist to make peace. At this junc- ture, it may be time to enact some other sage addages: "we can not change others, we can only change ourselves"; "the past is water under the bridge, move on with the rest of your life." Poignant offering. Hopefully, this work will also serve as a cathartic tool. TLW2006-10-30 12:45:16
a fire of yesJoanne M UppendahlJoanne--A heady title for a naturesque write which also doesn't disap- point. And, though I've reviewed many of speaker's past tributes/odes in this genre, I'm always amazed at the ease with which the bar is ex- ceeded each subsequent time out. As aspiring writers, we all look to our surroundings for inspiration, yet, scribe seem to present the im- ages of nature in a more alluring manner (bar none). The personifica- tion of flora and fauna is captivating and unique. Of additional note is the lack of punctuation which allows a smooth read/cascade of words down the page. In my humble opinion, Poet has eaten a version of Robert Bly's "...Honey Of Words" and regurgitated them in this write. TLW2006-10-30 12:15:01
Boo Boo Said the PumpkinEllen K LewisEllen--Firstly, scribe is complimented for using a single rhyme through out (very difficult to substain/unstrained over a long range-smile); secondly, for aptly including the vivid and ghastly nuances for this timely write for one of the most popular holidays; thirdly, a humorous and entertaining offering. A couple of nits reference mis-spellings (which can be easily corrected); "shaking off the persperation (perspiration)" "Trick or treat, and exageration (exaggeration " Sorry if I've mistated your intentions, however, I certainly enjoyed "Boo Boo Said the Pumpkin." Thanks for this respite from the more serious and somber works. TLW2006-10-28 14:02:10
IllusionaryDellena RovitoDellena--A caustic offering speaking to the beguiling of protagonist. In my opinion, this entity feels that conforming was a bill of goods sold under false pretense; proper moral values aren't modeled by the highest of the high (political/religious leaders). This candid write is well written, although, pessimistically; "All facets of truth's facts I need never defend. As we live out our time to false reality's end." Scribe has limned the essence of using all means necessary to discern a "conscious/conscience-truth:" a truth with which one can personally take responsibility for through "free will." Thanks for sharing. TLW 2006-10-28 12:12:01
The World's Last HeartbeatJames C. HorakJames--This satirical write derides the sad state of affairs the current world is in: philosophical/social/political. This caustic piece speaks to man's seemingly denial of an untimely/abrupt end to mortal endeavors. More- over, Scribe points to many atrocities as proof of this lack of conscious- ness/conscience; morbidities of war/civic killings/child abuse/gang activi- ties/private strifes/inhumane acts; and the sensationalism devived from sleaze for monies and noterity. The last two verses are the most telling of the work; "It is, in the lost sanctity of life we would protect from a fiend without avowal to one particular right. To the condoned uncounted undisclosed deaths from fiends without avowal to any particular right." In my opinion (with this offering), speaker has presented an intriguing prem- ise and provided a candid denouement. Bravo! TLW 2006-10-28 11:20:32
About Lovemarilyn terwillegermarilyn--Hark! I peruse the hyperboles expressing the one emotion that is illogical and unreasonal, but attainable (though enigmatic). Vivid imagery of idealistic/romantic relationship between couples is inferenced in speaker's offering. Verbiage combined with fresh end rhymes create the mushy stuff we all wish someone would feel/ say/promise for us-smile. I like it! TLW 2006-10-27 21:58:30
Very Bad Thingsmarilyn terwillegermarilyn--Even though this write conjures up morbid images, the couplets are humorous and entertaining. All the ghastly elements employed in this timely/seasonal work. Scribe's theme is carried well by the title, language and tone: the naunces of "Halloweeney" is written all over this offering. Outstanding! teafor22006-10-27 21:25:08
Whispersmarilyn terwillegermarilyn--The imagery portrayed through personification of nature's forces is enthralling. Scribe's enamorement with flora and fauna is evident in this metaphoric offering. The emotions evoked and kinship inferenced is intoxicating; "Is it the sanctity of this place that lures and bewitches me? Or is it the owl I cannot see? Like my own last breath." Thanks for sharing this song, again-smile. TLW2006-10-27 21:08:52
Ode To A Raging SeaNancy Ann HemsworthNancy--This poignant write speaks to all the nuances of nature's fascinating seas. Historically, they have been many things to hu- manity and not all good, but herein lies the enigmaticism: the power of their fury and conversely, their calm and beauty. Speaker has presented verbiage that is picturesque and rhymes which are sonorous. Written by ones who love the water. Nothing needed. TLW 2006-10-27 20:56:09
Lightmarilyn terwillegermarilyn--These sparse 22 syllables speaks vividly of two amorists being spotlighted by the daytime star. The entire scene is simple, yet endearing in its romantic and hyperbolic imagery. Excellent use of "one option" for this particular form. Nice ditty. TLW 2006-10-27 20:20:07
Light and DarknessG. Donald CribbsDonald--An insightful write speaking to the two "perfect" opposing forces. This work provide vivid imagery especially revealation of salvation and call- ing for protagonist; "Worm words stung my ears, harsh sermons like tongues of fire carried by an ancient and discarded muttering. Evangelized, I clambered up from darkness, depths dimly alight in the wash of sun-spackled shadows, devoured cakes of dirt, dew; communion bread, wine." The pious work is non-preachy, sage and uplifting. Thanks for the lesson. TLW 2006-08-30 11:51:22
The Cellarmarilyn terwillegermarilyn--A gutwrenching persona poem (poet writes from the viewpoint of a- other person or thing). This, in my opinion, is the most horrific of man's misdeeds: the abuse of children. These couplets are vivid in their rendering of what has become the "status" or "status quo" for many youngsters.The rimes and verbiage fit well the title/theme/tone of this somber offering. Thanks for addressing this undesirable social issue. TLW 2006-08-26 10:42:17
A Round of PoetryG. Donald CribbsDonald--This is a telling play on words (title and poker). This in my opinion is a somber write referencing the traumatic experiences of both paternal (Vietnam war) and progeny (abuses/China) that left them incap- able of returning to normacy. Historically, the effects of horrifics on ones inability to perform nicities of civilization are well documented. Hopefully, penning of this gutwrenching work and with the aide of coun- seling it will be cathartic and provide respite from haunting life events which have scarred these two. An evoking dark offering, although, well written. TLW2006-08-24 13:01:09
Catching SunDellena RovitoDellena--Scribe indicates through this simplistic and laconic offering an enamorement/appreciation of natures daytime star. This "soaking" of rays is vividly portrayed with enticing imagery; "Streaming warm upon skin, it then went in." AND "...I was an element of it, even though I'm but a little bit…" These well placed (sparse) internal rhymes enhances the write with surprise and wit. Excellent use of season/event/inspiration in penning a gem. TLW2006-08-22 09:19:28
Five Words and Five LinesEllen K LewisEllen--An almost limerick, this brevity of verbiage is both a puzzle and a sad commentary of humanity's fate. In my opinion, this inference of an unending cyclic misstep is melancholic. I personally didn't think the work was fun, but found it poetically and prophetically written. Sorry for my somber discernment. TLW 2006-08-21 09:45:59
Paradoxical ParodyMary J CoffmanMary--A witty almost tongue twisting Poe-like echo. These well pre- sented quatrains (IMO)inferences the diabolical work of an archangel among "sheep". This alliteration saturated rhyming write could easily be a depiction of souls being secured through temptations (my favorite and most telling of the verses); "Your penchant for perversity has brought you to my door, to prove your predilection with all things you abhor." Although blessed with free will, humans in this scenario are again beguiled; "Panic not, precautious one, no longer you shall weep. Your everlasting life we shield in paradoxical sleep." An brilliant dark offering with intriguing under/over-tones. I enjoyed the effort that went into this post. TLW 2006-08-20 09:50:05
Here I AmMedard Louis Lefevre Jr.Medard--This write has agnosticism written all over it. A recognizeable fickleness is obvious in speaker's rant. This confused protagonist is on a slippery slope with a consistency of being inconsistent. Vivid imagery of a semi-redeeming offering; "The turmoil of my soul is my own creation I love it, I hate it, it is how I survive God has offered me the gift of forgiveness But I embrace my sins expecting death's resloution" A well written somber presentation of an admitted lost soul. TLW 2006-08-19 20:42:02
ComfortNancy Ann HemsworthNancy--In my opinion, this write speaks to an epiphany which has called for a revivial of spirit: a return to quality of life verses just getting by or being static; "She summons me to dance about, be free to celebrate each day that's given me. As she lifts my heart with songs from early spring and urges me to stand again to sing." Vivid imagery created by this enticing verbiage with excellent subtle rhymes. An affable and uplifting work. Sorry if I've misstated your intent. TLW 2006-08-18 21:26:37
The Huntmarilyn terwillegermt--A well written recounting of time spent with that loved one doing what he enjoyed. "The Hunt" although not a favorite pasttime of speaker is re- sponsible for these endearing memories. This poignant write will always hold a special enamorement for protagonist; the imagery alone is intoxicat- ing; the ending is sentimental; and the entire offering is cathartic; "Now my heart pines for the peace I found there and the firm sharp edge of night under an army of stars and the cold glories of dawn. I long to hear grass whisper or see the quaking trees…and us." More tribute than elegy; more sweet than bitter; more uplifting than melan- cholic. TLW 2006-08-18 20:56:01
Liesmarilyn terwillegermt--After a number of reads, I still find this offering derides the current society ills that starts with the "lies" of those in responsible positions creating the situations that causes most of the world's anguish, devastation and tears. However, through epiphany, redemption saves the day; "Through a glistening fog of tears You’ll see A kernel of truth fracture the still Of night And light the mottled sky" What starts out as a somber writes ends on an uplifting note. Well done! I like your new voices. TLW 2006-08-18 20:24:43
Your day at the beachMichael BirdMichael--I love the duality potential of this title: because either literally or metaphorically it's all a winning proposition. The vivid verbiage, including excellent end rhymes, present enthralling imagery of "Nancy and new hubby" nuptuals. This is a well written tribute to these newlyweds. Thanks for an uplifting read. No suggestions felt or edit needed. TLW 2006-08-16 03:47:41
Wastelandmarilyn terwillegermt--This writing quagmire is not unique, but the extrication is extraor- dinary. With these rhyming couplets scribe has jump started the muse/writ- ing juices. The overall work is captivating in its metaphoric rendering of this common occurrence within the writing field. The verbiage is allur- ing in its eclecticism; "Deep yellow smoke thick but bland rubs its back on the windowpane I could die with pen in hand and now I hear taps of difficult rain" "I measure life with one teaspoon my hourglass is empty of sand I'm the ague of a skeleton without a rune the anguish of my morrow is a wasteland" This offering is great use of inspiration for return to writing form. Within these lines are hints of Keats, Poe and Bly. Kudos! TLW2006-08-14 09:29:20
CrapMedard Louis Lefevre Jr.Medard--In my opinion, speaker has left listener(s) with a myriad of directions to go with this satirical work. This caustic verbiage could inference a failed anything: marriage/realationship/project/venture/business or life itself. What is quite apparent is the depiction of frustration with this current status quo. If this heartfelt candid write is useful as a cathartic tool and does not create harm for protagonist or others, then it has redeeming features. An adamant and somber read. TLW 2006-08-13 18:23:43
LongingMary J CoffmanMary--Alluring, teasing, enrapturing and ice-water-dashing write (smile). I fell for this inference of "making out," hook line and sinker. Moreover, I personally feel I wasn't the only reader com- pletely fooled by scribe's enticing offer. Who can blame any honest reviewer for being mislead until the very last outstanding twist/ turn ending for this enthralling work. A unique and witty personi- fication. No nits to pick. TLW2006-08-09 21:59:17
Voyeurmarilyn terwillegermt--The whole write is sensuous in its personification: title/theme/tone of this naturesque gem is captivating and true to the "coign of vantage"/ verbiage; "I stood in the rocks unseen and Blazed upon and watched." Scribe's vividness creates chill bumps with imagery of this alluring sequence of phenomenona; "Then it was I who felt her Pure exhilaration before death." In my opinion, this is the a superb metaphoric depiction of the transition from night to day. Sorry, if I've mistated your intentions. A surreal work. TLW 2006-08-09 12:16:38
Colour ChoicesNancy Ann HemsworthNancy--This write is retrospectic/introspective and may find much company at TPL. Let those who have not gone through some of these stages at one time(day-dreamed/fantasized/or set the bar too high) cast the first stone. In my opinion, an excellent twist/turn indicated by speaker's epiphany and maturity; "I have figured out not too long ago that we all live in our own reality and can paint it with the colours that we choose." "I need to be sure in the knowing that when I leave this Earth, somewhere along my life’s path, I have managed to leave many strokes of vivid colour on the people I have touched along my way." I find this a redeeming and admireable offering and well worth the time spent perusing it. Thanks for the open imagery. TLW 2006-08-09 11:10:00
Heart PassageDeniMari Z.DeniMari--The elegy of this is almost forgotten by the musical quality in these true end rhyming couplets. A lack of punctuation, creates a smooth flowing read which I like very much (because of these excellent line breaks). In my opinion, while this is a lament, it's really a celebration of life. Speaker appears to have been given the proper tools by this paternal and entreats an ethereal home for her until their reunion. Also, a teenie weenie nit noticed (SUGGESTION ONLY *()*); "I’ll ask they keep you in there *(their)* care" A Well written, although, melancholy write. TLW2006-08-07 13:53:16
FootprintsDellena RovitoDellena--Nothing, absolutely nothing is more truthfully stated than these succinct words. This metaphoric write speaks to humanity's influence/mark left by individuals and as a whole. This offering is an excellent inference that our ancestors are directly/indirectly responsible for what and where we took our keys/ques to advance this far; we also will leave a certain unmistakeable flavor of our own to indicate we were here. Speaker says it best; "Of light lit touch or forever furrowed chasm, what was remains and alters the course of all that comes there after, with significance." Terse, sagely presented and well thoughtout. TLW 2006-08-07 13:11:24
passive aggressive ..the culture of AmericaEllen K LewisEllen--A sarcastic write and probably with good reasons: according to your research, personal experiences and status quo. These satirical ramblings are on point, controversial and bold/candid. I love the title/theme/tone, however, I think that each of your semi-colons (;) should be colons(:) After each use within your text, you offer an explanation (therefore-:). An insightful, al- though unpopular view. Thanks for keeping it real. teafor2 2006-07-31 09:52:16
This Old Table Has RootsEllen K LewisEllen--The poignant recounting of this simple pastime belies the import of its history, longevity and significance. Scribe's vivid imagery can never completely depict what those moments may have done for the bonding, teaching, self-esteem/confidence and nurturing of speaker. Thanks for reminding us "grandkids" of all-but-forgotten endearing/under-rated gather- ings/chats. These are definitely the "keepsakes" that are cherished and must be passed on. Hope I didn't mistate your intentions. TLW 2006-07-30 20:16:44
Trampled GroundJames C. HorakJames--The woes of unrequited love poignantly penned herein. Speaker entreats some reason(s)to rid himself of a departed amorist. His e- namorement is overwhelming with no relief and therefore leaving pro- tagonist at wits end; "...So that I may bear your absence, not knowing death so many times in longing for your return with dashed hope." This write is melancholic in its vivid imagery of romantic longing. Sorry if I've mistated your intentions. No suggestions. TLW 2006-07-25 21:59:27
Poets Don't Get Into Trouble AnymoreJames C. HorakJames--I too believe that poets for the most part were/"are"/should be the conscience of nations: The calling of attention to wrongdo/ers/ings. No matter how unpopular, controversial, or politically incorrect. Starting with the title through the caustic verbiage, this satirical write is bold and candid; "Knock the fucking cobwebs out if you would be more... Than a verbal dandy, turning lines to but entertain. Entertain who?...the minstrel's audience? (and I thought there was more than refrain to all this.)" Theme and tone ardently carried in this evoking work. Sorry If I've miss- ed your point.TLW 2006-07-24 13:29:42
Pocket ChangeDellena RovitoDellena-WOW!Talk about introspection/retrospection. With this intrigu- ing write scribe addresses some apathy/culpability/negligence that will no doubt return to haunt protagonist. The sparsity of rhyme enhances the title/theme/tone by its placement; "Again I've no concern as to why. I'm sure I'll desire this day to replay." Excellent metaphors used and could easily speaks to many of us who have gone through life with a lackadaisical attitude. Thanks for this realistic read. Sorry if I've mistated your intentions. TLW 2006-07-24 13:01:07
Hot DaysJames C. HorakJames--A fascinating list of observations fostered by(IMO)this dualistic write. Starting with the title, through the vivid verb- iage, which can be taken literally/figuratively (harmful due to seasonal nuances); "Strange days follow, sensitive to strangeness, Inner sight comes to find plea from all Manner of life." The seeking of solace/shelter from animals of prey by those less fearful; those sought by the free willers with power/money/egoes, position and no conscience. Some powerful metaphors employed in this well written work. Sorry if I've mistated your intentions, but thanks for an intriguing read. TLW2006-07-20 12:20:22
Thirty-Six AcrossFowler TraskFowler--This is indeed an intriguing dark write. After several reads, I'm still not happy with my discernment, but will venture some thoughts. The combination of title/morbid phrases/who's who reference, in my o- pinion, speaks to the specific atrocious acts of Hilter/Holocaust/Ausch- witz, etc...Sorry if I've mistated your intentions, but I did enjoy the Poe-like tone. TLW2006-07-20 11:39:47
Mourner’s ClothNancy Ann HemsworthNancy--Scribe in these succinct phrases has limned an allegory of free will. By choosing to live in a cemetery, providing cover and color for these votive mounds is the right thing to do, especially when the more beautiful of the flora family wasn't tough enough to handle these honorable chores; "This place where once was only thorn Left from the reckless rambling rose That chose to die" The personification of this tenacious plant is very appealing. Thanks for this uplifting write. Don't change a thing. Sorry if I've mistated your intentions. TLW 2006-07-16 19:34:18
The Silkiness Of HerDellena RovitoDellena--An intoxicating metaphoric write about mother nature. These "fresh/unique" rhyming quatrains with outstanding vivid phrases of seasonal nuances 'speak' summer. Scribe's enthralling language carry's "The Silkiness Of Her"/theme quite well. Not only does the combination of verbiage and end rhymes create mind pictures, but produce sonorous tones. Thanks for something for all the senses. No nits to pick. teafor22006-07-14 11:43:31
Skipping Stonesmarilyn terwillegermt--Every time I read this "elegy," I'm amazed at your editing. It always seem to be done in a manner which enhances the imagery of two soulmates visiting a very special place and at a pivotal time; "The hurried sky looked down and beyond, then you were gone without scent or sign. You vanished as I knew you must, but I stand here still, without consent or design, Remembering…" Speaker knows by some portends, that the moments are destined, as is all that follows. A beautifull work; melancholic song and apt cathartic tool. Thanks for sharing this personal/private read.Don't touch a thing. TLW2006-07-14 11:23:22
Dawningmarilyn terwillegermt--In this metaphoric write, protagonist seem to be having self doubts about what her activities/contributions to humanity has earned her toward salvaton; "I have misgivings when I feel the eye of heaven Bearing down on me. As if my blatant faults Are as easy to see as An open sore." Because of this introspection, speaker's esteem is in question, which of course is nothing new; "There is nothing stupendous Here, nothing unseen Just an old truth dawning" A poignantly written and bluesy work. Sorry if I've mistated this write (again). TLW 2006-07-14 10:56:10
Tender DuplicityMary J CoffmanMary--A highly emotional charged satirical write. Protagonist caustically derides some beguiling from a now proven source. Speaker inference she will not sink to this low level/nor be- come a willing victim; "...yet, I will not capitulate to the slashing of its sanctimonious slurs" And sweet redemption; "as garnet ink begins to flow pulsating from vein to parchment I’ll write the wounds away..." Well written, albeit, damning work. TLW 2006-07-13 16:21:52
Painting A PictureDellena RovitoDellena--This is saturated with colorful metaphors from the title through the pious ending. A unique rhyming scheme ehances the anal- ogous work. "Painting A Picture" is truly apt in these phrases and carry's the theme well. Animately done. TLW 2006-07-13 16:03:24
Fantasymarilyn terwillegerMarilyn--A naturesque and poignant write with the sea included, what more could anyone want. Enthralling imagery presented in this metaphoric verbiage, especially similes: "...like a ripple That could eclipse time" "...guileless As a seraph on wing" "...Wag as if on water." Scribe/speaker depicts the beauty of nature in this wonderful search (and as always) for solace. Thanks for sharing this up- lifting offering. TLW2006-07-13 15:36:49
Now that I am deadMark Andrew HislopMark--Well at least the observations/monies of/for these social ills no longer sore your eyes or tax your funds. Great visuals/ excellent write, although, somber. TLW2006-07-01 04:21:57
FinalityKenneth R. PattonKenneth--I recall you using candor in other work(s), as cathartic tools, but this particular one does seem to have a a sense of "Finality"; "“Don’t worry,” a whisper came, “You’ll be fine.” The personification of the cats is a superb coda for this piognant write. I've been there, done that and survived. I don't know whether to thank you for sharing or curse you for reminding me of the debt! TLW2006-06-30 16:41:25
Spanish MossKenneth R. PattonKenneth--A bit different from your other works (as I remember). This is a sad commentary on free will, opportunity, liberties, breeding and decorum. Only in America, can freedoms such as these be trivialised. Thanks for sharing. teafor2 2006-06-28 14:14:30
Secretsmarilyn terwillegermarilyn--An hyperbolic write conjuring up vivid imagery of a neverending love: a very poignant recalling of a unforgetable/ undying enamorement reserved for a lossed soulmate. These de- scriptors are fresh and intoxicating; "...flakes of sun On the chop of water The very undertow memory is made of." "There is no untying The bonds that bind Like shackles with no key." I like this very much, but still was distracted by a small nit I have, specifically with lines #13 and #14(punctuation and enjambement, respectively); "I am deprived, burdened, and dismayed *(.)* ?? I look out across the deep and..." SUGGESTIONS ONLY; "I am deprived, burdened and dismayed *(As)* I look out across the deep and..." The later (IMO) reads smoother, but it could be my personal quirk. I thoroughly enjoy the images this paints. TLW2006-06-25 20:26:51
Remembering Mothers DayEllen K LewisEllen--An excellent tribute and always timely when "Remembering Mothers Day" regardless of the day/date. Your bittersweet write is a heartfelt rendered elegy for the mother who has "...passed on to another place." In my opinion, the most poignant (and my favorite) and telling lines of the poem is; "...and as I age my reflection shows more of your face." These "goose bumpy" words can be taken metaphorically or literally, either way they speak to an old addage: "like mother, like daughter." This emotional charged work is well written and powerful. However, I feel that the use of the possessive pronoun(She's)in line #1 of the 2nd verse breaks the continuity of the other pronouns and distracts slightly from the read; "She's been gone 5 years now." SUGGESTION ONLY; "You've been gone 5 years now, Almost to the day." Thanks for reminding us of our mothers through this personal post. Sorry if I've mistated your intentions, but I did enjoy your superb effort.TLW 2006-06-25 19:11:51
Come Walk With Memarilyn terwillegermarilyn--With this vivid imagery you place reader's there beside you. Not many poets have your special knack of rev- erently portraying nature's wonders while giving all credit to humanity's loving and generous creator. Your personifi- cations are once again awesome. Thanks for the enthralling mind pictures in "Come Walk With Me." Great read. TLW2006-06-23 15:53:22
ConstantDellena RovitoDellena--A combination of witty verbiage and fresh end rhymes highlites this metaphoric work. This excellent offering aptly laments the futileness/frustrations of best made plans. And, provides vivid imagery of title/theme. Thanks for this almost satirical gem. No suggestions or nits to pick. TLW2006-06-23 14:39:36
My Love For Youmarilyn terwillegermarilyn--I think I've reviewed this sonnet before and still feel that it is a powerful expression of romanticised love. The entreatments offered displays the awesome enamorement protagonist holds for the object/soulmate of these affections. Placement of a few internal rhymes echoes true end rhymes while producing emphatic sonorous tones. The sparsity of punctuation is apt for the superb line breaks. This challenging form serves as an excellent vehicle for "My Love For You" and one of the best sonnets, I've read. This post surely reflect the eclectic talents of scribe. Great Job! TLW 2006-06-23 12:34:34
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