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Duel for a Paper Dollar By morning’s shroud and moon's demise, by pre-arrangement this, A duel to be fought by two, The prize, a papered kiss. The swords switch on and off as in the hands of decadent men, A techno-war of time and byte Proves mightier than the pen. The odor of decay is such a premonition foul, a death served up upon demand, beneath the guise of cowl. And in the shadows wistful move the ghosts of will and won’t, who would if could and might if should, write down for those who don’t The whisperings of things to come, a finite tale to tell, how some soul’s shake their wrappings, and some take veil too well. There’s one who cheats at death this day. Fate blew upon the dice of chance and won, the moment had For once, no fee for vice. I weary of these battles, and the words that lay them bare; the killers of a spirit true, the cost of death not fair. Who reigns the world of sex and gore Who live by tales told Who profits when the sun will rise by what is penned and sold. |
Additional Notes:
May we never lose sight of why we write....
This Poem was Critiqued By: Claire H. Currier On Date: 2005-03-16 08:50:38
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.13636
Good Morning Poet......enjoyed the read though at times the font used makes it hard .........seems like spaces are missing between letters, especially on my computer.......enjoyed the words you have used within the lines though and the images and feelings they have created and the rhyme which works so well here....
you have written this very well, to read and feel, let alone take in the created images brings forth days of long ago, perhaps medieval times...... "The almighty dollar" speaks loud and clear and perhaps what each one may give up emotionally, morally, etc., to just win that "Paper Kiss"... how money tends to rule so many that do not know the value of life, pure and simple as it was meant to be......."The whisperings of things to come, a finite tale to tell, how some soul’s shake their wrappings, and some take veil too well." Enjoyed the way you have brought this to closure could almost hear the music playing in the background as one read this out loud......thank you for posting and sharing, God Bless, Claire