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Lynda G Smith's Profile:
Still breathing, writing, painting, fiddlin' and riding my tractor. Still in the dark sky country studying cosmology and astronomy and still marvelling at natures wonders. As an artist, I learned to express who I am and what is important to me through a tactile media. As a poet, I am learning to express myself through a search of self, metaphorically, painting with words. So much to learn, and so many greats to knead with the fingertips of our mind. Some of my favourites are Pablo Neruda, Emily Dickenson, Seamus Heaney, Robert Priest, Neile Graham and so many others. It's good to be back here. I 've been on intermittently since 2000/2001. A special thanks to all who take the time to critique. It's what I love about this site!
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