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A Leaf Blooms In Maine Always the source of such surprise, Such was the look that March In your eyes as one green leaf, On a blank white canvas Stretching across Maine, Arrived too soon. And I’ve no doubt, Premature as that, It would have succumb To the cold and acrid air Had not your glance Found it there And warmed it Welcome to this world. That same leaf is somewhere leafing, Not leaf as we knew leaf But leaf being leaf after leaving, When leaf no longer leaves. |
This Poem was Critiqued By: Turner Lee Williams On Date: 2005-04-04 02:27:25
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.69697
Rick–I've studied on this from several angles and feel it is two pronged. IMO,
the first two stanzas present this post in one sense as a simple up front plain
read: a sparse piece of flora germinating too early in a snow covered area in
this particular seasonal state while being assisted to live by the sun. On the other
hand, it can easily be a perplexing/complex metaphor for an early/troubled
birth of a child-with its survival due to intervention from the creator. The tongue
twisting allits saturating the 3rd stanza infer that the enity is no longer recognize-
able to us and no longer available to us because it has gone on to fulfill its true
destiny. Surely much deeper than it and its title appears. Sorry if I've misstated
your intentions, but glad to read anything from you-smile. TLW