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Judging By the Cover I find it interesting in which clothes writers chose to wear when they put pen to paper, transforming ideas to words. Enjoying scandals or sandals, Norman Mailer refused to shed his old, common- man threads. For a formal, important event, perhaps as recipient of some grand award, he wore tee shirt and baseball cap. A few might find this topic unsuitable for William Blake since he was often seen in the nude in his garden, pen and notebook at hand. In a fit of originality, he called his green retreat "Eden". Writing unclad could mean a free spirit, in touch with his inner child, "Piping Down the Valleys Wild". Plath wore an apron after she wed Ted and life was exciting but Kitchen mitts on her hands precluded further writing. Good writers may appear any time, not by creed nor couture bound. Clothes make the man some say but for me it's all about the sound they bring. Poe with bells and tinnitus, Hopkins with his shook foil and the spoils of Heaney's poetry...going down, down digging, digging, no matter their rigging. But oh, how they sing! |
Additional Notes:
Norman Mailer won the 1968 Pulitzer Prize for "The Armies of Men".
William Blake (1757-1827) illustrated many of his poems. At times,
he would devote himself solely to painting.
Ted Hughes was married to American poet Sylvia Plath. He was Poet
Laureate of England until his death in 1998. This position is for
the entirety of the poet's life in England.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Nancy Ann Hemsworth On Date: 2005-04-03 09:24:43
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.56410
This is so so true Mell...the poet, free spirit! society would have us all in its uniform of conformity..I applaud the differ. It takes being true to yourself and courage to make your statement and you are so right, "Clothes make the man some say but for me
it's all about the sound they bring" it is all about this for every man! it is just that we and I am not putting me in the GREAT POET we get the chance to jot it down and bear our souls (bare) being the grand word here!(smile)to the world or whom ever chooses to open their ears. Love the last of this poem as well.."But oh, how they sing!" wonderful way to finish your thoughts is such a rejoiceful way!! I loved all the information within this poem, I really enjoy it when I learn something new and this was great!! oh yes, and I so agree with William Blake , not that I dare the the garden at least!! (0', but one should run with ones inner child..too bad about the oven mitts eh!! we all make choices! thanks so much Mel for this , I agree whole heartedly!! ......Nancy