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The Wall Her friends know how to mend her heart in ruins, know how to save it. Advice often arrives like a brown paper-wrapped package filled with sawdust. She's not a languish-in anguish type but the scent of him made her pure verb. Squared the circle. Music her surcease, her sole release. Lines define her ramparts falling, the wall kept in place friable, fracting in shards and traces. Go on, she will. The daze of healing. Her scar will turn to proud flesh, a reminder of love spurned and her well-earned badge of courage. |
Additional Notes:
For EMW.
Revision. Thanks to Rick (Ramblin' Man) Barnes.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Thomas Edward Wright On Date: 2005-11-06 17:11:46
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.05263
the scent
of him made her
pure verb.
this is the definition of poetry.