This Poem was Submitted By: marilyn terwilleger On Date: 2005-10-27 14:55:08 . . . Click Here To Mail this Poem to a Friend!To Listen to Music While Reading this Poem, just Click Here!
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Until Next Year The ghost of Halloween
frees all ogres to be seen.
He makes the madden rivers rage,
unchains belching beasts from their cage.
Thunder speaks in a foreign tongue,
is torn from hills whence it clung.
Frightened demons cry with despair
and forest trees stretch for air.
The haggard night begins to decay
the ghost of Halloween dies in dismay.
........Until next year......... |
Copyright © October 2005 marilyn terwilleger
Additional Notes:
Just a little Halloween fun!
This Poem was Critiqued By: Mark Andrew Hislop On Date: 2005-11-05 03:41:11
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.60000
Halloween, for an Aussie like me, remains an inscrutable pagan festival that has somehow crept into unusual prominence in such a bible-belt-dominated country as the US. I fear it has latched irremediably onto the Australian psyche, too.
Heavens, what is an Aussie to do? First we follow you guys to Iraq, then we start to celebrate Halloween. What next? Install the son of an ex-actor-cum-president's vice president as Prime Minister?
This has GOT to stop!
This Poem was Critiqued By: Turner Lee Williams On Date: 2005-10-29 00:02:23
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
marilyn--And so it is (timely and humorous as meant to be). Thanks for
sharing these 'bone chilling' images-smile. Hyperbole abound in excellent
personifications which is enhanced by the fresh end rimes (halloween/seen;
rage/cage; tongue/clung; despair/air; decay/dismay). These couplets portray
this annual event in the manner which aficinados delight! Thanks for provid-
ing some sorely needed levity. TLW
This Poem was Critiqued By: Troy D Skroch On Date: 2005-10-28 22:15:36
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
"the ghost of Halloween dies in dismay"
I kind of find that ironic
Just for fun, Silly MT,
This Poem was Critiqued By: Marsha Steed On Date: 2005-10-28 14:09:34
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 8.00000
Fun it was. In critiquing poetry sometimes it is hard work! The brain often slips into a mode where eruditism takes over the emotion. This piece made me smile and even chuckle just a little as I listened to Thunder speaking German (seemed the best tongue for the situation!) and watched the trees stretch out their knarled limbs. "Madded rivers rage" and "belching beasts" were simply Tim Burtonesque. The perfectly lingering ending. . . "Until next year" left the witchy feel of the season hovering close. One suggestion I'd offer, is that putting the ellipsis before AND after the ending weakens it in my estimation. Truth be told, I missed it completely the first read-through. Delightful seasonal bit.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Mell W. Morris On Date: 2005-10-27 21:00:45
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
My dear Marilyn,
You are always up for something, anything, which makes for an
uplifting, fun time for all. OOps! I SPOKE TOO SOON. Here
comes an ogre, escorted by a few *belching beasts*!
Heavenly days, Marilyn, you have an imagination which
is of grand proportion. Your spirit
seems to be on the left side of your brain
with this one:
"Thunder speaks in a foreign tongue,
is torn from hills (where once) it clung."
The end of your piece is quite apposite
as the ghost of Halloween dies but you
remind readers...Until Next Year...
And therein you close your poem as
we spin back to the opening.
Marilyn, this is such a happy litle gem which appears yearly,
if I take your meaning right. Your little poem speaks louder than
you imagine, tweaking all hearts at TPL.
Thanks for posting your little jewel.
Best always,
This Poem was Critiqued By: Lora Silvey On Date: 2005-10-27 19:33:06
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.97368
All this and tooth surgery, what a gal, *smile*. Your structure is perfect as is the cadence, I love the ryhme. This just a super poem for this time of year and my grand children loved it. How very clever you are. I will not take any one line because the whole is needed for the perfect picture. I like it all. Thank you for such a delicious Halloween Treat.
Warmest always,
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