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Solace in Season Winding roads and whispering trees solace to the soul so deep. But autumn’s vibrant hues and shades unsettle as peace evades. Momentary twinge of regret matters wanted to forget. Elusive grasp the sands of time hurtling through chasms resigned flock barren mindscape once more. Awakening impressions ignored irrecoverable sense betrayed vulnerable mind that has played. Winter’s ascent, so long awaited, suspend again thoughts vacated. Encapsulating each memory, holding fast to the safety created by the frozen blast, chilled within among the past. Spring’s descent, a new day dawns in frozen thaws, exhausted yawns. Warmth seeps through miniscule cracks countermanding wintry wrack, as summer’s arrival brings anew, happenstance to imbue solace to a soul so deep of winding roads and whispering trees. |
This Poem was Critiqued By: DeniMari Z. On Date: 2010-11-05 08:29:14
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.93333
Beautiful poem Mandie, with precise uncomplicated verses that stand out and bring the images to life.
Your emotions show through with chosen words that add impact - to each season, each moment felt and are thought provoking as well as deep, deep to the core of the soul. I've read this twice, and honestly have no changes to suggest nor any nits or words that I would change in this write.
Awesome job! One of my favorite's from you.