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Below you will see ALL of the Critiques that Nancy T Bindhammer has given on The Poetic Link.
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Displaying Critiques 1 to 3 out of 3 Total Critiques.Poem Title | Poet Name | Critique Given by Nancy T Bindhammer | Critique Date |
God's Kinder Garden (first poem) | Andrea M. Taylor | How tragic but expressed in such a way that it makes me want to cry tears of joy for the time that you will both be together again! This is a true poem of the heart and I was grateful to have stumbled upon it - thank you for such a heart wrenching but beautiful piece of art! May your heart find peace until that day when you are reunited. peace Nancy B | 2004-10-19 10:11:58 |
Collecting the Shards | Mandie J Overocker | Dear Amanda This poem is a wonderful expression of such a tough world. I think that your use of rhymes was used in a very colorful way so that it is noted throughout that it flows and sadness and broken are well and defined. I'm sorry that this is what is your reality (if it is) - you are a very strong and courage- ous person to write such an elequent piece of art. Healing with this type of expression is such a great way of making a bad world into a victory! Please know that you are heard here and hope that you continue to break free from all of the abuse that you have endured. peace Nancy B | 2004-10-16 10:29:25 |
Silence | marilyn terwilleger | Marilyn, Please don't hang yourself - I think that your poem portrays the pain of silence well. It is simple and clean - I feel your tears. Thank you for posting it. peace Nancy B | 2004-10-12 19:51:43 |
Poem Title | Poet Name | Critique Given by Nancy T Bindhammer | Critique Date |
Displaying Critiques 1 to 3 out of 3 Total Critiques.
If you would like to view all of Nancy T Bindhammer's Poetry just Click Here.