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Displaying Critiques 1 to 6 out of 6 Total Critiques.Poem Title | Poet Name | Critique Given by Regina M. Heller | Critique Date |
Ecce Ancilla Domini | Mark Steven Scheffer | "the love the pleasure borrowed from." arresting. I love the way that you write. I tried to listen to this with the link that you provided but the audio was "not found." So I listened to Once Upon Now instead. So beautiful. "The green in emerald - the wet in rain." My lord, that is wonderful. How can so many small words combine for a thought that is so much greater than the sum of it's parts? Poetry does that. The universe supplies words, we add poetry (when we're firing on all cylinders.) And your voice is perfect for your poetry. So this critique is not good. Please give it a very low score, lol. There seemed to be repetitions that lingered in such a subtle way, at one point I began to concentrate to discern a form within the form. But I felt i was working too hard, lol. I know I will never stumble across an error in your work, nothing critical to mention, so this poem just gets a sheepish "well done" when it deserves much more. Regina Once Upon Now is a similar title to my Once Upon Forever, the poem in which I quoted Robert Frost, Nothing Gold Can Stay, which I mentioned to you in my critique reply earlier. Just a fun coincidence, a tiny bit of kismet between two poet friends. | 2016-05-07 00:47:54 |
My Soul Dreams | Joe Gustin | Joe, "too" delicate in the first stanza, not "to" delicate. great image. in the second stanza "runs" should have and "s". This is my favorite stanza of the poem. Great meter, I love "reason" and "season" because you made the meter stutter a little... that's a good thing but I can't explain it... so the rhyme isn't perfect, its internal sort of. I kind of wish "wings" could be saved for the next stanza which is a flying stanza. I tried substituting "without feet or shoes" but it fell flat, lol. I do like the imagery of the "winged heel" but it blurs the line between running and flying. Whatever. It's a great stanza. The final stanza is so good. But I tripped over "think without notion" because it rhymes beautifully but I don't know what it means. I mean, I do, I can figure it out, but it isn't supported somehow by the rest of the poem. It made me think the next line could be "and do the locomotion." Just kidding, but I really think that rhyme has to be almost internal or invisible or else it really can jump out, like a distraction. Unless of course that is your intention, but it doesn't seem so from the "stuttering" rhyme in your second stanza. I think you could do without "think without notion." It detracts from the preceding end rhymes which are... poetic. Nice work. | 2016-05-06 00:10:53 |
Words | Joe Gustin | Joe, you're right. Pain is a perfect muse. Words do nothing to undo the anger To which the tracks this train wreck is heading for I think this is great, so violent, so much more like the break up I experienced than When Last We Kissed, lol. But it's awkward. It's still great, but a little awkward. I suggest getting the image more clear, the train must already be on the track if you are wrecking. Words do nothing to undo the anger; to untangle the tracks beneath this train wreck that is underway. or some better word than 'underway' but that is what came to mind. not "heading for" but already in progress, because it sounds in the rest of the poem that the wreck is underway. The rest of the poem is much more clear and vivid. Just my thoughts. Well done. | 2016-05-05 23:59:44 |
When last We Spoke | Joe Gustin | Very romantic, very sentimental. I found that I couldn't remember any of our "lasts" because I didn't realize that they were our "lasts." I wish I had known, I would have paid attention. This poem is just perfect as it is. I like the way that speaking evolved to holding hands to dancing and finally to making love. The whole journey. Well done. | 2016-05-05 23:48:18 |
Days | Joe Gustin | Hi Joe, 4 of your poems came up on my screen when I stopped here at TPL after a long absence. Nice to see your writing. I read all four poems and came back to critique each one. Grammar is touchy in poetry, I may have miss missed some intention you had, but I will mention a few 'mechanical' details and you can take it or leave it. "On their way to rain its bounty" because their is plural, its is singular. I divorced not long ago, so I see my break up everywhere, I began to see myself in your poem when I came 'the years spending themselves finally tearless.' The years go on and when finally the tears are gone you are spent, and you have years of tears to show for it. Sad. I feel that way. I love that line. And everything is so quiet in your solitude, voices of flowers, birds in flight which sometimes makes no sound, all wrapping you in a quiet swaddle, your own limitations protecting you somehow. Very nice. | 2016-05-05 23:43:50 |
Tuscany | Medard Louis Lefevre Jr. | This poem makes me 'long-for' and you have given a choice; long for the person, long for the place, long for the thing. I long for what is in that painting, a long lost place, but also for the love that is in that place. Long for the place that is in the painting, or go once step further and long for the love that was of the place depicted. It is just about longing and love. You don't constrain it, I like that. It made me long for a place in my heart that was a place I'd lived, but on another night it might make me long for a place in my heart that was a person I'd loved. One technical comment: I am 'supposed' to be with you in that last stanza rather than "suppose." | 2005-10-22 01:26:42 |
Poem Title | Poet Name | Critique Given by Regina M. Heller | Critique Date |
Displaying Critiques 1 to 6 out of 6 Total Critiques.
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