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Watermarks Printing... his life. Family inheritance from those long urned. Office on the thirty- eighth floor; the decor: a close view of the lake in that town with a great State Street, where you lose your blues, toddling. He avoids the print shop with its stench of ink, its smudges and drudgery. Yet his soul glows at fine- textured, personalized stationery. The tactile basso-relievo of embossed paper: a sensory rush much like his last touch of a soft palimpsest. Unwed, his obsession with printed paper precludes interest in all save examining monograms. Some think him odd and doddery, quaint and querulous. His life is a gift to him, sated by reverential admiration for initials he created. |
Additional Notes:
My response to a challenge.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Mark Steven Scheffer On Date: 2004-02-03 18:48:43
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Fantastic poem. You do know i'm terse, right?